My fishies!


Hey, Carshark, you have such gorgeous corraline algae!! Did your rocks come with it or did you do something to promote it? I really want mine to grow like that. Since we have FOWLR, there's not much color in our tank besides the fish.


Originally Posted by Lennon
sorry, did I miss it..what size was it. I hope I have your luck with it.
Most say a water change once a week is how often you should do it.
so I am happy to hear you do it once a month with success. I hope to
do the same because weekly would be too much for me right now.
Thanks for the info. It is lovely!
We have a 55 but working on getting a 125.
I only do water changes once a month because that's what seemed to be what most people did. I know the smaller the tank, the more often the water changes though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tnt
Hey, Carshark, you have such gorgeous corraline algae!! Did your rocks come with it or did you do something to promote it? I really want mine to grow like that. Since we have FOWLR, there's not much color in our tank besides the fish.
well i could say yeah it was all me but i only probably have enough credit for a lil here and there, a buddy of mine has a fish store and i hand picked it out of his personal tank(265) the rock had been there for about 3 years!!!! id say its cured!! the best part?? $5.50 lb. muwahhhaa im using the other 50lbs i bought to cycle my new qt i just set up, once that cycles it will make its way into my main tank. :jumping:


Active Member
Lennon said:
Originally Posted by carshark
heres a few of mine, just the fish no inverts(except the star), and i still cant get a good diamond goby pic(he's a quick

!).. you may be able to catch a glimpse of my coral banded
I love that rock in your tank. Where did you get it? what kind? What is that whitish rock with orangy stripes?

well the live rock is fiji three years cured, and the striped is bought from ***** 20 bucks or so per rock


Originally Posted by tnt
We have a 55 but working on getting a 125.
I only do water changes once a month because that's what seemed to be what most people did. I know the smaller the tank, the more often the water changes though.
I am getting a 55 too. I was considering the 65 but the depth is alittle more than I have space for. I need to be able to open the doors for water changes.
How have those water changes been? Are they simple and are they messy? I am having this tank put in a den with nice carpeting so I am not sure if I need to put something under it or what.
Wish I had space for a 125


Water changes aren't too bad. We use 5g buckets. It's in our basement and we have nice carpeting too. The carpet does get wet sometimes. Depends on how careful you are.