Haha I'm gonna love doing the "I told ya so" dance if you do get the Nem and decide you want an entire reef. It happens to pretty much all of us, once you get lighting you'll buy frags the second you get any cash in your wallet and walk away from you LFS with none left. lol
Anyways, how about this for a fish list instead? What I put in red could possibly be replaced with something I put next to it.
So the potential tank right now:
55 gallons, 110 gallon-capable filter, heater, powerhead
Live sand, some live rock, no coral, maybe some anemone later on
Flame Angel
False Percula Clownfish
Black and White False Percula Clownfish
Mandarin Dragonet (copepods in a little breeder basket to stay safe & breed)
Cleaner Shrimp
~3 Blueleg Hermit Crabs You're going to want more. They're valuble members of your CUC (clean up crew)
Blue Reef Chromis Damsel
Purple Scooter Blenny Don't get him if you want a mandarin. The Scooter Blenny eats pods and will be competition for it. They can be trained onto frozen food, but whenever they're not eating they'll still cruise around and eat the pods. I've never seen this fish get "full" lol
Butterflyfish If you want yellow, look up a Midas Blenny. It's my next add to my 29 and is stunning. Check out
this vid of one on youtube. Also, Butterflys don't live long in captivity. It's a fish that's really best left in the ocean.