my friend dosent want to return some of his fish!!! he has way too much!


Yall should see the full grown great white shark in my 75 GAL tank. It is incredible! Yea right buddy.


New Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
he knows you posses the correct information, yet he doesn't wanna hear it.
It's the same as telling a smoker to quit, a fat person to loose weight, or an athiest that there is a God..
these are examples of... You hafta wait until they ask for your input, otherwise your advice will be rejected.
You hafta let it go and just show no interest at all in his tank.
lol athiest that there is a god lol wen you bring him to my house we can talk.


I have a full grown shark in a 2.5 gal tank and it's doing just fine.


New Member
YEAH F***ING RIGHT! Just like eveyone said, there is no way in hell that those fish could even move in that tank!!!! NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!! Your an idiotic liar.


Active Member
First off no need for name calling folks, Second that pic is awsome.
If this is true his fish would be riddled with ich and his nitrates and ammonia would be at massivly unsafe levels, so there is no need to see pics because like said it is not possible.


Originally Posted by Hufflepuff17
YEAH F***ING RIGHT! Just like eveyone said, there is no way in hell that those fish could even move in that tank!!!! NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!! Your an idiotic liar.
Im sure alotta people will agree with me here comeone watch the language. The post did nothing except make someone feel bad. This forum is like a family. The mature members who people look to for advice (like alix or beth perfect dark, etc..) You have the dedicated members who post often and take and give advice. You have a few ding bats also but every family has those. It was pretty well stablished that this post was a fake before you posted so all you really did was +1 your psot count and nothing more. My main reason for this post was however to plese watch the language. I come on here to read some post and get away from the world around me. I dont want to come one here and read post with cursing in them. all those who agree with me then
All those who disagree and think cussing is no big on here then pm me and ill defend it more


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
Im sure alotta people will agree with me here comeone watch the language. The post did nothing except make someone feel bad. This forum is like a family. The mature members who people look to for advice (like alix or beth perfect dark, etc..) You have the dedicated members who post often and take and give advice. You have a few ding bats also but every family has those. It was pretty well stablished that this post was a fake before you posted so all you really did was +1 your psot count and nothing more. My main reason for this post was however to plese watch the language. I come on here to read some post and get away from the world around me. I dont want to come one here and read post with cursing in them. all those who agree with me then
All those who disagree and think cussing is no big on here then pm me and ill defend it more