My friend is a Ignorant? I think?


My friend bought the Lion I wanted.... he bought a 10 gal tank a pretty good Bio Wheel filter and put some LS in it and it ran for a day and he put this lion in it nobody's sure if its a lil vol. lion or a dawrf... most think its a darwf..... whats peoples thoughts on this is he stupid or is it possible, cause when I heard, I freaked. It has been totally against all I learned and I have only been in the hobby for 6 plus mos..... and I've learned patience.... well ...


Active Member
id just go over there and take the fish, hes not happy in there and if its only been running for 1 day then it will prolly die anyway!


Active Member
well the quicker the better once the tanks starts cycling, which it might be already i dought the fish will make it.


I doubt it too I was mad cause I had a tank cycling just for him too.... I wanted him but... anyway the reason he did it cause another guy at work told him that he could just put live sand in it and it would instantly be cycled that, the water would be like if it ran for 6 mos or so.... I never heard that... before I know it wont take long but he's nuts.... thanks everyone else is like oh well about it... I going to talk him out of that fish tomorrow


take the fish and the tank add some precured biofilration and hope it survives till you can find a suitable home for the fish. i cant say that this will save the fish but it is better then hoping it makes it through the cycle just to die cause it is in too small a tank. also go ahead and smack your friend. tell him if he wants a marine tank he better research the hobby.


Active Member
live sand would cycle quicker with less of a spike but im sure in a 10 gallon tank that has been set up for 1 day with no skimmer is going to spike a little and its not going to be good for the fish. and its only a 10 gallon tank. what size tank do you have for it? and how long has your tank been set up for?


I was setting up.... a 30 gal for it.... till I heard that, that was lil too small for him but better than 10 for sure but I was going to put him in there temp... till I turned my 135 to salt..... but I haven't even started cleaning that one out....


So if I took 10 gal of water out of my 45g would there be better chance for him even if its for a month till he can get a bigger set up 55 or more?


Active Member
well i guess a 30 is better than 10. but still to small for the fish your 135 would be great for him but once again you will have to let that cycle.


Active Member
yea that might work but id still keep a eye out and test the water daily due to the fact its a small tank, smaller tanks are harder to keep good water quality. plus he doesnt have a skimmer


I thought the 30 was enough because of his size.... but I've been corrected, but it has been cycling for 2 wks and the cycle is probably done enough, I took some substrate and LR out of existing tank to cure it faster.... and my tests all show good 0 ammo, Nitrite, Nitrate........... so can I talk him into putting him into that or is this going to put even more stress.....


Active Member
it might stress him out a litle but its just the fact that its a bigger tank, better water quality so it would deff be better for him


Alright Thanks for the help, I really like this site.... I'm glad it's here .... cause I'm always filled w/ with questions I'll post something tomorrow about what happends, if not tonite I'm going to try to get a hold of him tonite.... L8R