My Giant Cup Mushroom


Here are some pics of my new addition to the tank. A Giant cup Mushroom. I got it hoping it will host my Maroon clown; he is been acting crazy.



Active Member
mine is bigger that a basketball! they get huge quick and will soon take over your tank, but the good news is that i got almost 13 frags out of mine!


Active Member
no you dont want your clown to host i have one that is also the size of a basket ball and has eaten 5 clowns


Active Member
babyb is right mine killed a clown goby who loved to sit inside of it , but once somethign touches it it never comes out because they wrap up like a baloon and eat anything in there



Active Member
psusocr1 said:
babyb is right mine killed a clown goby who loved to sit inside of it , but once somethign touches it it never comes out because they wrap up like a baloon and eat anything in there
:scared: I didn't know that. I almost bought one today, happy that I know now.


Active Member
yep yep yep, the first time i say mine to that i about freaked out, i had no idea what was happening, mine is recovering from a frag it took alot longer for it to heal that i would have thought, but now is going great except where the power head fell on it and sucked it up but its healing really fast on that one .


Active Member
its been in my tank for about 6 months, i had to frag it because it was getting outrageous! and ic ouldnt fit it anywhere! so i now i have 4 frags left out of the 12 i fragged