My girfriend wants to set up a 10 gallon, please help


I have helped her find some fish she would like and she has chosen the following:
1 (or 2) ocellaris clownfish
1 (or 2) blue chromis
1 green clown goby
cleanup crew:
3 astraea snails
2 cerith snails
4 blue leg hermit crabs
4 nassarius snails
1 serpent star
Any suggestions or help? I know that a pair of each of those listed would be WAY too much, but can that size tank handle a pair of one? Or just stick to one of each?


Originally Posted by tywtly13
I have helped her find some fish she would like and she has chosen the following:
1 (or 2) ocellaris clownfish
1 (or 2) blue chromis
1 green clown goby
cleanup crew:
3 astraea snails
2 cerith snails
4 blue leg hermit crabs
4 nassarius snails
1 serpent star
Any suggestions or help? I know that a pair of each of those listed would be WAY too much, but can that size tank handle a pair of one? Or just stick to one of each?
The clowns and the chromis will eventually outgrow this tank, just know that upfront. The thing you have to keep in mind is once you add sand and rock to the tank, it's not longer a 10G tank, it's more like a 7G tank.
I have a 14G with a baby clown that I know will eventually outgrow the tank as well as a Tailspot Blenny and a Yasha Goby. I love them, great fish with great personality, especially the blenny.
You'd be better suited with the small blenny and a goby as well as the clown goby. This way none of the fish ever need to find a new home.
As for the CUC, looks good. I just don't know if I'd do a serpent star in a nano, curious to see what others think

Also, add in an emerald crab


Yeah, I know the clown would outgrow it, didn't know about the chromis though. She wants to have a blue fish haha, and I know she wouldnt be satisfied with just gobies and a blenny

any suggestions for a blue fish that won't outgrow this tank or get too aggressive (damsels!!!)
And how soon would the chromis outgrow her tank?


Originally Posted by tywtly13
Yeah, I know the clown would outgrow it, didn't know about the chromis though. She wants to have a blue fish haha, and I know she wouldnt be satisfied with just gobies and a blenny

any suggestions for a blue fish that won't outgrow this tank or get too aggressive (damsels!!!)
And how soon would the chromis outgrow her tank?
People underestimate how big Chromis can get, they're just like clowns. As for growth, a lot depends on how much/how often you feed. Actually, I didn't think I'd be happy with the blenny or goby idea, but I ended up loving them. I have a Yasha Goby paired with a pistol shrimp (Randalli Pistol) and it's really cool. My husband turned me on to the idea of having a blenny, he plays hide and seek and just a really cool fish.
Something blue... hmmm... That's tough. Maybe: Blue Flavivertex Pseudochromis. There is ONE damsel that is less aggressive than the others, it's called a Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Chrysiptera springeri). Hard to find one though. Also, neon blue goby...
If she's willing to settle for purple, there's the Fridmani Pseudochromis (which are far less aggressive than other pseudos), Purple Firefish, Royal Gramma


Thank you so much!!! I'm researching now! She said she can wait until we're married for her "cool fish" and she'll settle for now as long as she has a pretty tank haha


Ok, so how's this:
Royal Gramma
Green Clown Goby
Neon Blue Goby
Blue Sapphire Goby
Same cleanup crew minus serpent star plus emerald crab


Experience says gramma's can get mean.
Try G clown goby, and a pair of neon's. You can also go to that Dr something or other smith site they have a "nano" section that is fairly good and they are one of the few internet sites that are reasonable with their size information.
If she wants pretty color etc, maybe a pseudochromis, clown and neon goby might work, but others will tell you for sure. Oh, and if its "TIGHTLY COVERED" you may be able to do the green clown and a pair of firefish (the purples are gorgeous)
Originally Posted by tywtly13
Ok, so how's this:
Royal Gramma
Green Clown Goby
Neon Blue Goby
Blue Sapphire Goby
Same cleanup crew minus serpent star plus emerald crab


Active Member
IMO for a 10g a good fish is
-one clown black or orange
-2 fire fish
-YWG (yellow watchman goby)
thats a great fish pack for a 10g!


Active Member
that can work with a clown as well. but one clown. the goby you are getting are really tiny so one clown will be good with proper water changes atleast 2-3 gallons a week


But she doesn't want anything that will outgrow her tank, because around here it would have no where else to go. Any other additions? Thank you!!!


Hehe it's ok. She's pretty Intent on getting something blue, so I'm pretty sure she'll go for the blue goby, unless the blue sapphire damsel stays small enough. would it?


A real blue sapphire damsel is peaceful as long as there is no other damsel in the tank. Just make sure you get the right kind because there are many blue damsels that are very mean. (I think I gave you the scientific name of that one, if I did not, I will get it later, I'm on my phone right now).
Again, damsels get big, like a clownfish, so eventually its going to outgrow the tank.
I don't think you would experience any aggression from a royal grammar because you can't put that many fish in there to cause aggression issues.
Be careful with pseudochromis other than the Fridmani, they're aggressive and can be just as bad as damsels.
Blue neon gobies would work for some blue, but they're not the hardiest as Nissan stated.


Ok, well she won't want the damsel then. So how is this:
green clown goby
neon blue goby
2 firefish
royal gramma
What is the problem with the blue gobies? why don't they do well?