My gonio "fragged" by itself!!!!


Something amazing happened with my goniopora pendulus. I notice two tiny polyps amongst all the big polyps and it appeared to be seperating. I noticed this the day I put it in my tank. A day later it was gone. 4 days later I found it on the bottom of the tank and it looks pretty darn good. It is actually attached to a small piece of the coral skeleton. I can not see any sign of where these two little dudes seperated from the main colony.
My camera is a cheapy, so I can not get a clear pic of it. I am going to scrub my glass really well and borrow a good camer to get a picture of the two little polyps that are now chilling at bottom of my tank with a "sunflower coral".


very cool sometimes they will seperate on their on and sometimes they wont but very nice just keep a watch on them to make sure they dont get swepped away from the current

john kelly

It is polyp bail-out or possibly a very early developed bud that is being dropped. In this instance, it has occurred due to stress, but it doesn't mean that your coral is dying. They just do that sometimes when they are moved to a different tank or are shipped. I've had several do that. I've seen them actually be pushed out and drop; and although I was looking right at the area, I still couldn't see any evidence of where they came off of the's interesting.
ps.. My two-polyped Goni is now 1year and 3months old


OK... my gonio is looking great and it actually ate some brine shrimp. Only problem is it is now ENORMIOUS. The dang thing is taken up my whole tank. I had to move everything away from it. So far I figured out it is not bothered by GSP or my ZOA. It also was touching an open brain and everyone seemed happy. The GSP closed up where the Gonio touched it. I moved the GSP and it opened up and looked great. So I shut off all my pumps and feed a full cube of mysis to my sunflower coral. I have fed it three times now and it comes out at 8 30 , lights or no lights. I fear the sunflower was abused by its former owner and I want to nurse it back to a nice plump state before showing y'all its before and after pic's. Kinda like the opposite of those " I lost 21 inches" diet adds. Hahahaha, speaking of which, time for me to work on my plump state and have a cold one.