My gonipora not looking so well...



For about three days now my gonipora has not been opening up near as much. Tonight I got in there and moved it to a place with a little bit less water flow to see if that was the problem..when I did I noticed a brown spot on it. Im posting a few pics but Im not sure how well you can see it. All my levels are normal and I have had the gonipora for several months now and it has always done wonderful. Any suggestions or if someone can tell me what the brown spot might be? It looks as if it is dying off (were the spot is) :help:



Thanks lion...I wish I would have read that before I bought it. Im so upset that its not doing well. I really enjoy it. Well I guess im going to have to chalk this up to a lesson learned..=-(
And Im going to check out your list so that I know better next time. Thanks
Have you been feeding it? I was misguided ny my LFS to believe that my goniopora would be fine with just light. Well it started to do the same thing. I have begun to add DT's live phyto plankton to my tank on a regular basis and it has started looking alot better. I also have heard that oyster eggs are even better ( you can also spot feed them with a 2 liter bottle). Hope that helps.


Active Member
I do agree, that spot feeding the gonipora is a whole heck of a lot better than just letting it rely on the light. I know one person who has been able to keep goniopora, and she has had hers for 3 years now. She spot feeds hers on a daily basis.
Good luck and I hope you can get as much time out of the coral as possible!


Too bad they are so hard to keep...great looking corals. I think it's one of those that should be left in the ocean. Good luck with yours.


I feed my sun coral Zooplan and it loves it. perhaps try that. much cheaper then oyster eggs