My gorgonians


Active Member
Thanks Jo! Yep, that's a Wave2k. Love it! Definitely a bit old school with a giant motor hanging off the back, but the results are great. It's so hard to replicate actual waves in our tanks, and the Wave2k does a great job. Here a youtube vid of some xenia (before the fish ate it
No, lol, the avatar is a pun. I am a bit of a GM buff/own a Cadillac and photoshopped the image. The actual fish in the avatar is a Blonde Naso Tang though.


nice vid. i'm thinking of building a diy wave box like the Tunze wavemaker. i figured the avatar was photo shop but wasnt sure if there was actually a fish nicknamed cadillac...that would be cool


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Any updates? How are the gorgonians doing?
Nothing too exciting. Not sure if I mentioned it, but the little flavida
is having the hardest time. Started losing a bit more flesh, but I've started feeding more and it's seemed to stem the bleeding. See if I can get some pics up tonight or tommorrow probably...