My hammer coral is dying!!


Is there anything I can do to help it? The coral is starting to die back at one end and leaving bare skeleton. It's gone back about 1 inch in 4 days! I've had a couple different people at the LFS say they get bacterial infections, or something like that, and it sounds like not much can be done. Is there anything I can try?


There is a product called coral dip, I have never used it, but have heard it mentioned a few times. I read a bottle at the LFS and it is basically an iodine solution, so it may help if your coral does have some sort of infection. Wish I could offer you more, I feel for you!


I had this happen to my frogspawn coral. I don't know why, but it rotted to nothing. The mucus that came off of it sadly smothered my shrooms and they perished. Best of luck to u


I had this happen to my frogspawn coral. I don't know why, but it rotted to nothing. The mucus that came off of it sadly smothered my shrooms and they perished. Best of luck to u

nm reef

Active Member
I had this situation with my hammer several months the time it was approximately 10" of skeleton. I learned that it was probably RTN(rapid tissue necorisis) (sic)...long story short....I used a iodine dip and amputated the damaged area....its alive and well now but approximately 2/3 its origional a search on this site on hammer problems and you may find the thread from when mine was in trouble. I know it sounds drastic.....but it worked for mine!!!Research all you can before taking action...but do so quickly....RTN can and will destroy a healthy coral quick!!! Best of luck.... <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


How often are you feeding it? and What? Sometimes they shrink do to high nitrates/amonina and low feedings.