My Hatred of Salesmen/Contractors


Now Being in sales I've realized it is filled with nothing but greedy scum out to get your money.
And while shopping for cars, home repairs etc I expect to deal with scum.
I am looking for 2 replacement windows to be installed in my attic.
the majority of companies straight out told me they wont waste their time which of course is always nice to hear.
I was able to find a local window guy to come out and give me an estimate.
$700 was the damage, now here is the first red flag.
Scummy guy "Well here is your written up quote for $700 please sign the line here and give me this much up front"
me "Wow I did not expect it to be that much, I am sorry to have wasted your time, reach out for hand shake"
Scummy guy "Well how about this if you do it now ill knock off $50 bucks"
Now instantly that labels him as "Wow lets see how much I can make off this kid" but I continued to go with it.
me "Well how much are the windows you use"
Scummy guy "we sell it as a package and there are no hidden fees"
Wow no hidden fees but he wont tell me how much their windows cost so I can figure out how much his labor is costing.
me "well im sorry but thats still to much"
needless to say he went $50 lower and I proceeded to throw him out, seriously its annoying to have to shop around to find someone decent enough to do something for a fair price just the fact that he is able to go lower but instead quotes you some high price instantly turns me off and I label you as a greedy scumbag.
Now I realize windows could be expensive but common its an attic I don't need fancy windows I can goto home depot and get 2 for $200 that would work fine.
End of rant.


Staff member
There are some who are really just out for a buck, and not interested in reputation or return business, but then others who do care about having you as a customer. My exp is 50-50.


Active Member
What annoys me more then anything is when you have someone qoute you service or a tangable good and they give you the if you commit today I'll knock off 10%. We had new air and heat put in this past fall and one guy pulled this on me and I kicked him out. It tells me they are overpriced and have the margin built in already and are playing games, which I really hate. Also hated how we were quoted units and packages that we didn't need and would have been way over sized. There are few sales people who truly understand value and how to deliver it.


Originally Posted by Toeknee
Now Being in sales I've realized it is filled with nothing but greedy scum out to get your money.
And while shopping for cars, home repairs etc I expect to deal with scum.
I am looking for 2 replacement windows to be installed in my attic.
the majority of companies straight out told me they wont waste their time which of course is always nice to hear.
I was able to find a local window guy to come out and give me an estimate.
$700 was the damage, now here is the first red flag.
Scummy guy "Well here is your written up quote for $700 please sign the line here and give me this much up front"
me "Wow I did not expect it to be that much, I am sorry to have wasted your time, reach out for hand shake"
Scummy guy "Well how about this if you do it now ill knock off $50 bucks"
Now instantly that labels him as "Wow lets see how much I can make off this kid" but I continued to go with it.
me "Well how much are the windows you use"
Scummy guy "we sell it as a package and there are no hidden fees"
Wow no hidden fees but he wont tell me how much their windows cost so I can figure out how much his labor is costing.
me "well im sorry but thats still to much"
needless to say he went $50 lower and I proceeded to throw him out, seriously its annoying to have to shop around to find someone decent enough to do something for a fair price just the fact that he is able to go lower but instead quotes you some high price instantly turns me off and I label you as a greedy scumbag.
Now I realize windows could be expensive but common its an attic I don't need fancy windows I can goto home depot and get 2 for $200 that would work fine.
End of rant.
$100 per window is a cheap made window, but even at 100 apiece that leaves 500 from his estimate, two guys 10 hours at 20.00/hr apiece is $400.
that leaves $100. Im gonna assume that the size was exact/standard fit and he would use better than $100 apiece windows. Or there is trim work involved somewhere.
This is why the bigger companies don,t want your job, they cant make any money with a $100.00 or less margin.
You could always get two windows for $200 dollars at home depot and put them in yourself....they're just in the attic.
Personally I charge 150 dollars per window up to 8 after 8 its drops to 90. trim is extra. 3rd floor is extra. But I'm not exactly living in a high expense area. I'd imagine NJ would be considerably higher.
Sorry to rant from the other side :)


Originally Posted by 2cold2fish
$100 per window is a cheap made window, but even at 100 apiece that leaves 500 from his estimate, two guys 10 hours at 20.00/hr apiece is $400.
that leaves $100. Im gonna assume that the size was exact/standard fit and he would use better than $100 apiece windows. Or there is trim work involved somewhere.
This is why the bigger companies don,t want your job, they cant make any money with a $100.00 or less margin.
You could always get two windows for $200 dollars at home depot and put them in yourself....they're just in the attic.
Personally I charge 150 dollars per window up to 8 after 8 its drops to 90. trim is extra. 3rd floor is extra. But I'm not exactly living in a high expense area. I'd imagine NJ would be considerably higher.
Sorry to rant from the other side :)

Thats understandable and all but when this guy said he is adding in fuel charge and a setup fee, and a fee to send his guys out.
Fuel charge? that makes you look like a cheap company.
probably have better luck with a handy man


Active Member
Originally Posted by Toeknee
Thats understandable and all but when this guy said he is adding in fuel charge and a setup fee, and a fee to send his guys out.
Fuel charge? that makes you look like a cheap company.
probably have better luck with a handy man
Call it a fuel charge, service charge, whatever you like...I have been charging it for the past year. This is all legit stuff. It just sounds like your guy trys to hide it, which makes him look like a smoozer (and he might be). But looking deeper into his estimate, he's not far off. And another note, when confronted with someone like this in the future, use it to your advantage. If he starts in about "10% off if you book today, etc", then open up the can of negotiation woop azz". He might be desperate for work too and you could end up with one heck of a deal.


Originally Posted by T316
Call it a fuel charge, service charge, whatever you like...I have been charging it for the past year. This is all legit stuff. It just sounds like your guy trys to hide it, which makes him look like a smoozer (and he might be). But looking deeper into his estimate, he's not far off. And another note, when confronted with someone like this in the future, use it to your advantage. If he starts in about "10% off if you book today, etc", then open up the can of negotiation woop azz". He might be desperate for work too and you could end up with one heck of a deal.
It got to the point where I said my price he said it wasnt it worth it to him and left.
Its annoying


Active Member
I love contractors. At least when I was the Facility Manager for a manufacturing company I did. Usually they treated you right and figured you knew what you were talking about. Even then though there were contractors that we so busy that they would quote it to make it worth their while. I did not like the guys who would quote something and then say tell them if they "needed to sharpen their pencil" Hey give me your price, make it fair for both of us and we will both do fine.
Although now calling contractors for homw stuff is different. I don't tell them my background to see if they are going to snow me. That is one of the reasons I do must of it myself, plus the fact that I am cheap.
I am reminded of when we had to call in a plumber of a Saturday. We did not have any 2" PVC in stock and the landscaper broke the main water line into the plant. The plumber steps out of his truck, flicks his cigarette, looks at us and says "Man you guys suck!" I could not stop laughing.......


If you can get windows from home depot or lowes have you checked to see if they can install them for you?
I know it can get annoying dealing with people like that but in my experience there are a lot of contractors that are desperate for work right now. While some are just out to make a buck , some will quote you what they actually charge normally and if it is too much for you they will keep lowering it just to get work. We have contractors calling all the time now desperate for work.


home depots minimum window job is 3, which I only need 1 or 2.
Basically forces me to try and do it myself having no experience or trusting a handyman which is annoying.