My homebrew skimmer


Active Member
Its of double tube design, and it works as you can readily see the junk in the collection cup. The outer tube is just shy of 1 1/4" in diameter, and the overall length of skimmer form bases bottom to top of cup is 11 inches. The collection cup is made from a plastic container that fancy tooth picks come packed in, and I use them for all my skimmer cups. They can be had at the dollar tree for 3 packs for $1.00 so thats 3 collection cups for a buck.......of ocurse they are modified somewhat with an inner sleeve to fit over the stem portion of the funnel and seals with an Oring. Never had a leak yet.
The way it works and is built is, water is drawn in the series of holes at the very bottom of the columns base. There are 6, 1/4" diameter holes spaced around the circumference of the tube, and enter into the inner most tubes area. The inner tube is typical 3/4" diam tube. Along with the six water entry holes there is a center hole into which a piece of hard ridgid airline is glued. The bottom of the air line enters a cross drilled hole that has the external piece of ridgid air line attached and glued in place. So the base sort of forms an air passage way by way of a driled passage to supply air to the airstone. The air stone is a ultra fine bubble ceramic type and it makes some super fine bubbles, equal to what a limestone one creates, or pretty close.....The water is drawn in those 6 inlet holes and goes up the inner tube, to the top where it foams and bubbles. Junk is puished up into the funnel area and then further into the stem and then the collection cup, typcial skimmer style....
Water that has traveled upwards is pushed down somewhat by bubbles and pressure in the column so it flows down between the inner tubes outerwall and the outer tube itself, and exits from a series of 6 holes spaced around the outer tubes circumference, about 1" or so above the water inlet holes. I can adjust the skimmer to wet skim or dry skim, by adjusting air flow and water entry. Water entry is controlled by rotating the outer tube while holding the base, and this closes off the water entry holes. Air is adjusted with valve on air line....
I can get good skim and performance in all my picos up to about a 2.5 gal tank with this skimmer design. Its tuneable by setting on the bottom or raising it up to about 2" or so above the bottom if need be, so it has a range of about 2.5" to play with in a tank as to depth of skimmer. Some of my other skimmers are a bit taller and some are shorter, as they are tuned for each tank by varying the columns height. I used old water from a water change and dyed it blue with food coloring so I could actually see water current flow into and out of the skimmer. The junk in the cup is about a 24 hours worth of skim......Skimmer is made with all scrounge materials I accumulated over the years except for the 1" tube which is sold in most LFS for fiters etc.



Active Member
About as cheap as it gets. Took about an hours worth of my time. The outer tube is from the protective tubes you slide over florescent light tubes. It glues up readily with weldon solvent, and its cheap and often can be found for free if your a good scrounger....The base portion was built up out of solvent welded pieces of acrylic to get the thickness I needed and then turned down on a lathe to get the shape.....
One thing that I like in particular with this design is it will keep on skimming just fine even if the water level drops from evaporation. I had some skimmers that would mess up when water levels varied. When level of water drops in tank the skimmer makes a more drier skim which is fine with me just the same. You almost have to go out of your way to produce external micro bubbles with it so thats another plus in its favor. The above pics were taken some time ago. It took close to 9 days to completely remove any traces of the blue food coloring I had added and make the water clear again.......I ran this skimmer for about a month until I was satisfied with how it worked. During that time I used old salt water to test it in, and along that time frame had added food coloring.


Active Member
Very cool and simple design!
I am thinking of making one for my QT tank!
I am still a little confused on the hole design and placement. Any way to get a closeup pic or schematic diagram?


Active Member
I'll pull it out tomorrow and take a close up of the bottom end of the skimmer and post some pics or draw up a sketch of it tomorrow if time permits.


Active Member
Awesome job. score one for the "I can build it for less and just as good" of us out there. just one question do you have air flow regulator on it so you can adjust the skim rate, or a water flow regulator so you can speed or slow down micro bubble contact time with water in the skimmer? Its an awesome thing, looks good, and very well thought out.


Active Member
Very innovative. Glad you decided to use MY plans.
No, just kidding. I'm not smart enough to figure that out.
Congrats on your successful attempt. Looks great. Barry