Tom was a truck driver by trade, loved his job and was great at it, he was on his way home when a women in a pickup truck crossed into his lane and smacked him head-on, they we're both doing around 55mph, when Tom saw her crossing the line, he hit his breaks and tried to steer away from her, when she hit him, his semi went down into a ditch, his steering bar(think thats what its called) broke and his truck bunced out of that ditch shot across the highway and noesdived into another ditch. He didn't go to the hospital then, he just felt really brused, in fact he helped the other driver until the police got there, come to find out she was drunk and on crystal meth. I took him to our E.R the following morning, he had a bad headache and his back hurt along with brusing on his knees from them bashing on the dash. She is walking around today with a limp while my husband suffers everyday. I never thought I could hate someone, I try to find the good in everyone, but I HATE this women. Come to find out, this was not the first accident she caused being drunk and on drugs, she didn't have a license to drive and it was not even her truck, it was a boyfriend fathers. She is walking around free as a bird. I take great pleasure in believing what goes around comes around and some day she will get what due to her. The accident happened in Sept 2000. He has never tried acupunture, I've thought about finding someone in our area that does it.. They have had him on Vicodine 10/325's for 4 years after trying morphine,(he didn't like it made him feel sick all the time) and oxycotton, he got more relief from the Vicodine. They also have him on
for muscle spasms. They decided to go ahead with the pump because he has been having problems with his stomache, a side effect of the vicodine after long usage. He went through 3 trials of the meds that is in the pump, inj right into his spine the third one gave him relief for 8 hours, it didn't take all the pain away, but he could get comfortable. I don't think they will have to keep increasing the meds in the pump, it will be increased slowly over the next month or so until they get the dose to the point where he is comfortable all day and night. It releases so much every hour. Right now his does is 1ml for 24 hours. They plan on doubling it when we go back on Wensday. This stuff according to the doctor is 300 times stronger than anything oral you can take.
As far as the emissions and safety for the classics in MI, I have no idea, we we're going to go get it titled today, but he had a real bad day. We are planning to go tomorrow, we will see how it is handled then. Hopefully we wont have a problem. We are having it plated as a Historical car, so I don't know if they need all that stuff or not. I'll let you know.