My installation of a Coralife SS

jonny bolt

Thought I would my experience with this CSS, thought it might help some people out. I bought it new, after a friend got one and I saw how outstanding it really does perform. I do not have corals, and neither does my friend, but I have a Dwarf Lion and a Valentini Puffer which can be messy eaters, and I also have a Flame Angel that takes the longest poops I have ever seen lol. Other than that I have a Maroon Clown, Decorated Goby, and a Blue Devil Damsel. My friend has more fish than I do which is why he got his, but I got mine because of the eating habits, plus I moved up to a tank that is just about twice the size as my old one.
I got a new one, with the new instructions. I put everything together ok. But I knew right off the bat that it was not going to fit behind my 72g bowfront, because I only left 4 or 5 inches between the wall when I set it up. So I knew I had to mount it on the side of the tank, which I didnt really care about until I figured out it was going to interfere with my Orbit light leg lol. Grrrrrrrr.
After getting that out of the way, and mounting the CSS, I realized that the pump was too low in the water. This was a big problem for me personally, because I keep my water about .75" over what most people probably wouldm because that way it covers the "lip" on my filter and the water doesnt splash so loud into the tank. I also use that noise a gauge for when I need to topoff my water LOL. When I hear more racket than I want and cant get to sleep, its topoff time. So I had to rig up the pump, and move the valve down so its down between the pump intake and the venturi chamber. I had to use some of the extra tubing that came with it to achieve this. I then used some more of the extra tubing to connect the top of the pump to the intake pipe. This helped tremendously, and I was able to get the pump up to 3" below the water line. NOW I have some serious foamage! What a difference. So to anyone who had or is having problems getting some bubbles in there to start the "breaking in" of the unit, your pump is definitely too low and/or your valve isnt open quite enough. These 2 factors were what got mine running correctly. After getting it all setup up, I noticed my adjusment valve was closed a tad too much......I tweaked it open a bit and up came the bubbles. I then used the water level adjustment dial to get the bubbles back to about 1" above the red collection cup threaded ring.
I will let it sit at this setting to break it in for a few days, then open'er up full throttle and make the final adjustions. I will post again after that. For now, here's some pics....

All in all, it was a bit laborious getting it set up correctly, but I attribute this to my particular setup, and if I had set up my tank a little farther from the wall, I could've avoided a few hours worth of "rigging" and tweaks lol. So this one gripe is all on me. Other than that, I think this skimmer is absolutely great. Compared to others I have seen and worked with, this is just easier to work with once you're used to it, and easy to tweak. In my opinion, you CANNOT beat this for $100. THUMBS UP!!!!


Active Member
It appears that you have on e of the later made models that will not leak water out of the adjustment knob. These new models have the series of raised bubbles or dots on the adjustment knob. They also have a much thicker cross section where the adjustment knobs stem goes into the valve body as well as O rings to seal the valve stem. If any ne buys a coral life super skimmer (65 model) and gets a plaian red adjustment knob send it back or call coral life and request the new style body. For the most part if you like a dry skim the old style works fine, but if you like to wet skim and run the bubbles up higher, they will leak / seep water out from under the red knob.


Active Member
If it looks like this copy/crop of Jonny Bolts knob its new design. If its not like it its old...Can't see your knob clear enough to tell. If you also pullup the knob it will have an oring on the shaft. The valves gate is also redesigned on the new style CSS65

jonny bolt

Yesah, great post chip. Once I opened it and saw the new, redone instruction manual and the top of the red knob, I knew I was ok and had the new redesigned model.
It has pulled out some crap already overnight. But it started pulsing a little bit though, I guess sometime while I was asleep. I can see it pulsing through the tube before the pump, and ofcourse can also see it pulsing in the reaction chamber. Will have to check my connections and look it over later.



Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
Yesah, great post chip. Once I opened it and saw the new, redone instruction manual and the top of the red knob, I knew I was ok and had the new redesigned model.
It has pulled out some crap already overnight. But it started pulsing a little bit though, I guess sometime while I was asleep. I can see it pulsing through the tube before the pump, and ofcourse can also see it pulsing in the reaction chamber. Will have to check my connections and look it over later.
i've been researching skimmers and am about to decide on the cora life super skimmer 65 ........ it appears after reading yours and other that CoraLife has done it again with a superb product.
i want to mount mine on the back of a new 20 gal long "16 1/2 " tall lip height . can you tell me if it will hang behind my tank ?
i know their specs are 4.25 x 5.50 x 20.75 but what is the actual height / length of hang area ?
Katrina Land
:help: :help: :help: :help:


i called D.F.SMITH and their tech "Greg " was super - as always .... went out of his way to go grab one off the shelf and measure it for me ..
need at least " 12 " inches of drop to hang the skimmer ......
yeeeee haaaaaaaaa

jonny bolt

Cool. Ya, the Docs are great.
This skimmer is just plain good. I did my first cleaning of the collection cup today, and almost 4 times the amount of sludge shown in the last pic I posted went down the toilet lol. Man it was some nasty stuff, and smelled like a sewage plant

Before this 72g bowfront tank, I had a 38g, and I did not run a skimmer on it. Just a Penguin 200, and although the tank thrived, my nitrates would aways be between 20-60ppm. Looking back on it now, I wish I had this skimmer then.


Active Member
Chances are your only going to have approx 9" hanging below the top of the tanks trim. A 20 gal long has more than suffiicent height, as I have played with one of the old bodies from thr original style CSS65 in a 10 gal tank while trying to make a needle wheel impeller.
Just have to have about 5.5" across the top and 4.25" between back of tank and wall for clearance.

jonny bolt

I have a Penguin 200 and a "back-up" Aquaclear 200 running right now. The Aquaclear is from my hospital tank, but I decided to mount it on the main tank with the Penguin for more filtration, and more room for media bags. I am using this setup cuz I still have not decided which way to go as far as filtration for this tank. I was thinking about a Magnum 350 PRO setup, but I hear people say how canisters are "nitrate factories". I could get an Emperor 400. Or I could go with a sump setup. Still havent decided lol. So I'm happy with the temporary setup I have now, and I wont spend any more coin until I know which way I am gonna go as far as permanent filtration.


hey Johnny, had a question for ya. By the way, I couldn't figure out how to get my new css going until I came across your thread, so thank you very much for the info. I was wondering though, once you broke it in, where did you set your water level?

jonny bolt

Hi. No prob. Glad it helped.
Do you mean the actual water level in the tank? After I top off, its like a quarter inch under the lip of the diffuser box. I try not to let it get more than 3/4 of an inch below the lip. When it starts to get down, thats when I top off. I will check it quickly every few days to make sure the water level in the skimmer is high enough. I usually dont have to touch the red knob unless alot of water has evaporated out tha tank. I keep the water level in the skimmer around 1/4 of an inch above the bottom of the collection cup. When it gets below the bottom of the collection cup, I sometimes adjust the red knob a bit to make the water a little higher, but only if I dont have time to top off the water.
Unfortunately, my digital camera was in my pocket when a 16 pound Striped Bass pulled me in off the rocks into a tidal river while fishing out in the marsh a few weeks ago lol. So no more pics until I find another digi-cam
Cell phone got submerged and crap out too. DOH!


I meant the water level inside the skimmer. Do I just keep it at the level it is now once it's broken in? I have it about an inch above the red ring.
By the way, love the skimmer, already pulling out stuff and my tank is only about 5 days old.


you i set mine about 1 inch above the red ring. It seems to work really well. It all depends on what you have and what you want to do. Wet skimming vs dry skimming. Wet skimming I would have it a little higher and you remove alot more derbis but if you have corals and what not that like phytoplankton then i would leave it about 1" above the ring. It will work wither way.


Active Member
Where you set it depends on personal choice and weather yu want a dry or wet skim. Run it lower for a drier and higher for a wetter skim. Wetter skim removes more water overall and fills the cup up quicker, and some say it removes more junk, others say a drier skim is preferred and removes just as much only it takes a bit longer......I like dry myself and run all of ours approx 3/4 to 1 inch above the red retaining ring for collection cup. That dimension seems to be about what most everyone seems to be setting theirs at as well.


Thank you, I will just play around with it and see which I like better. I leave it alone for the first few days though right?

jonny bolt

Ya, my water level is usually between half-way up from the red ring in the middle of the reaction chamber, or 1/4" above the very bottom of the collection cup. Depends on what type of mood I'm in I guess