My intro


New Member
Hello all,
I thought I would introduce myself. I am currently build my first saltwater tank, a 75gal reef tank. I have most the books everyone recommends, so I have a lot of homework to do.
I also raise dart-frogs and I love the idea of an almost completely closed ecosystem.
Take care,
welcome to
good luck on your saltwater tank
and always come here with questions
and u can always count on truthful answers!!
if you don't already have this book
i reccomend it 100%!!
it's called:
by: Michael S. Paletta
it's a step by step setup and stocking guide
it's a wonderful book and has great tips
for the new marine aquarists!!
<img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> GooD luck!!


Active Member
welcome aboard, sounds like you are off to a good start, reading first, instead of listening ot someone who is trying to sell you a product, they can make it sound so easy and simple and it isn't, but it does not have to be hard at all, just not as simple as they sound, and patience is a major key here, keep reading and ask anythign you wish before purchasing or if you have a prob or question you need answered, most here will be glad to try and help and if we can, we will