MY kinda new STINGRAY

Originally Posted by dkfloyd
I think the point is being missed here...this guy got the stingray before doing any research about them and their needs, let alone the needs of any of his other fish living with a ray. He also stated that the lfs had him in a 10 gallon so he should be ok in his tank. The Ray is going nuts in his tank - why do you think he is climbing the walls?!
Obviously he did make a mistake by making a big purchase and taking on the responsibility of keeping a shark or ray or any other large fish for that matter. Hopefuly he does learn his lesson and either finds it a large new home or decides to get it a larger tank.
Originally Posted by dkfloyd
I think the point is being missed here...this guy got the stingray before doing any research about them and their needs, let alone the needs of any of his other fish living with a ray. He also stated that the lfs had him in a 10 gallon so he should be ok in his tank. The Ray is going nuts in his tank - why do you think he is climbing the walls?!
Sry i havent been replying to the mes. on the board but my computer has been messed up.
And actually i did do research on sharks and rays and have been trying to decide if i could keep one in my tank etc. and i asked all my local fish dealers and a few other people who keep rays and they all said he would be fine in my tank;also he now doesnt jump up and down the tank walls anymore but just swims around in the tank and under the caves in my tank


speaking from experience I'd take him back. I had a small cortez ray in my 180 and after a week took him back. Most tanks just aren't large enough to house a ray or a shark. It's not the water volume you need to look at but the footprint of the tank. Short of setting up a 300 or 400 gallon lagoon for just this fish you're torturing it. Sorry to say it but that's just the way it is.
Also sharks and rays are much more sensitive to stray voltage and ORP levels than most fish so this must also be taken into consideration.
Sometimes we as good fish keepers must make hard decisions for the best sake of our animals.
Trust me I know he's cool but take him back. There has to be something that's more suited for your tank...