My Koran Angel


New Member
I have a Koran Angel, and I noticed white "salty like" deposit cristals on its tail. Can anybody tell me what is it? Can it spread on other fishes in the tank. Treatment anyone????


Staff member
Yes, it sounds like ich. And it is highly contagious. You will have to treat all your fish.
Do you have a hospital tank or is your setup FO?


New Member
No, I cannot afford "hospital" right now. I have 110g, Amiracle 300, Hot Magnum 250, Emperor 280 -- two, UV-15V. Only 6 fish, LR and some clean up crew. I already start decrease salt on my tank. What else I can do?


Staff member
You can not lower salinity in a tank that has LR--it will kill it. There is nothing you can do safely in your tank. Perhaps try a cleaner shrimp and garlic soak your fish food.


New Member
Thanks for info! Yes, some of them look like little grains of sand. Fish still act normally: eat well, swim around. I did not notice anything unusual in other fish’s behavior as well.
Beth, what's an options for treatment ick/ich in FO set up?