My Light???!


HI! I have one of those lights you would use for a freshwater tank. I was wondering if I could use that light just for a few weeks? All I would have in my tank would be Southdown, around 40lbs of Base rock and about 15lbs of LR!!! When I do get mushrooms, fish, etc... I would get a better light, but just for LR and BR would I need a 192 watt? My tank is a 39g, and is about 16" high is 192watts enough?!!! PLEASE I'M DESPERATE!!!

aka koolkev
:help: :help: :confused: :help: :help:


You will be fine with the regular light for now. Live rock doesn't really need any special light, but when you do get stronger lights it will help the purple coralline algae grow faster. Even when you get fish the regular lights will still be fine.
I only had 50watts of regular flouresant light for the first couple months on my 125 gallon tank which had LR and fish. The coralline algae actually started to spread a tiny bit in that time. I now upgraded to VHO lighting and I'm starting to try a couple corals.
Stronger lighting is only really necessary for corals and stuff. Is the 192w light the one you are looking at getting? Is this a power compact light? I think 192 watts of PC would be pretty good for your tank. In my opinion, you could keep almost anything but SPS and clams with that.


Yeah I want a PC, the one I'm thinking about, but still not sure, is Item number: 2388391780 on ----!!! It's about $150. Do you think I should get it?
Thanx for your help!!!
aka koolkev


I'm not familiar with PC brands and prices because I went with VHO. Someone else would probably know better than me.


I have 260 watt PC and love them. That sounds like a good price. I got mine for $165 + $20 for shipping on ----. (Coralife) Just watch out and don't pay too much. I really think they big on their items to make you pay more. If you don't want to spend that much the have the Jebo for real cheap but I think they are junk.


They are selling only one 260 watt light, but it wouldn't fit my tank! My tank is 36" long the one they are sellin is 48". So I'll probably just wait till I get mushrooms etc...

aka. koolkev