My lion fish ????


My lion fish has been eating great but now he hasnt eaten for 2 days now. a little wail ago i put a silverside and it looked at it and i thought it was going to eat it.
I think it hasnt eaten becouse he has gotten lots of stres. Could there be another reson? can it be becouse of the thawing procedure?


my lion fish is a volitan lion.
10 gallon
i have had it for about 2 1/2 weeks
feed it half a silver side a day
Stress becouse i have motherd it by putting new fish in the tank and the lion fish getting aggressive with the other fish.
What other types of food are the lion fish favorites?


Why is my tank so small? If you go to a pet store and they sell lion fish there living environment is less than a gallon tank. Please for any reson tell me why i shouldnt keep my fish.
My worries went away. It ait at least 7 miniture shrimp today and looks really happy.


the lionfish isnt going to live in the fish store for ever. what u have ur self is the largest growing species of lion fish. They require i would say at least an 80 gal tank. at full size it wont have any room at all to turn around in the 10 gallon. u must research the fish u buy b4 u do so


I had a volitan in my 160g and it looked really cramped in there. He was as big if not bigger than a 10g tank. He was huge. you need to get rid of the lion asap.


Active Member
Yeah, we thought we were going to lose him after a bout with the lionfish a few weeks ago. The lionfish stung the crap out of him and the golden puffer laid on the sand or up against the overflow for 5 straight days but several large water changes and two weeks later he is back to normal.
That’s good to hear, that’s a beautiful fish I'd love to have one, although I don’t think I trust myself with a 300 dollar fish in my tank.:rolleyes: