I don't knwo what to do. I have had my lionfish for about 6-8mos. and he's been doing fine. I've weened him from feeders to krill, but lately he is no longer interested. He sits on the bottom of the tank and doesn't really display his barbs too much. I've switched up to squid hoping that he just needs a change, but that doesn't seem to work either. Any ideas? Its probably been over a week since i've seen him interested in eating and he doesn't look good. He lives with a Sailfin Tang and a Rainbow Wrasse in a 200g, w/d with skimmer. I thought the nitrates were a little high so i did a 20% change, but he cycled the tank originally, and i have 20 or so hermit crabs as well as a serpent star and sebea anemoneand they seem fine. Please help