On Saturday we noticed the posterior 2/3 of our blue spotted jaw was patchy and white. He was acting normally and seemed to be eating appropriately but this was clearly a big change that we hadn't noticed before (it's mostly on the parts he keeps hidden in his burrow). He's been in our tank for just over a month after a 3-week quarantine at the research facility associated with our LFS (we are very lucky!)
I consulted them and they suggested ******, oodinium or Brooklynella (which I guess would have covered 98% of issues even if I hadn't described the history). We built a hospital tank right away but couldn't get him out of the DT to move him.
Yesterday, after a major ordeal consisting of hours of patience trying to lure him out, we were finally able to net him (I know, but no other option) and get him into the hospital tank. It's bare floored with a PVC pipe, but he didn't like it at all.
He now seems exceedingly unhappy and very stressed. I added 1 gtt/ gallon of cu/formalin mixture and blacked out all but a tiny window of the tank.
This morning he was jumping (common to the species, but a first for him) and hitting his head on the cover (glad it's there!) I removed about 3-4 inches of water and fed a tiny bit, which he didn't seem to eat.
Tonight he's looking rough, still totally unhappy but I'm not sure what else to do for him.
Any ideas? I'm wondering about a trial of hyposalinity but I'm a noob so I don't want to do too much at once. I also read that I might put some rubble in with him, but I've heard both yes and no on that idea. At this point I want him to recover but I also hate to see him so unhappy.
Please forward any suggestions. Or you could just send him happy thoughts.
I consulted them and they suggested ******, oodinium or Brooklynella (which I guess would have covered 98% of issues even if I hadn't described the history). We built a hospital tank right away but couldn't get him out of the DT to move him.
Yesterday, after a major ordeal consisting of hours of patience trying to lure him out, we were finally able to net him (I know, but no other option) and get him into the hospital tank. It's bare floored with a PVC pipe, but he didn't like it at all.
He now seems exceedingly unhappy and very stressed. I added 1 gtt/ gallon of cu/formalin mixture and blacked out all but a tiny window of the tank.
This morning he was jumping (common to the species, but a first for him) and hitting his head on the cover (glad it's there!) I removed about 3-4 inches of water and fed a tiny bit, which he didn't seem to eat.
Tonight he's looking rough, still totally unhappy but I'm not sure what else to do for him.
Any ideas? I'm wondering about a trial of hyposalinity but I'm a noob so I don't want to do too much at once. I also read that I might put some rubble in with him, but I've heard both yes and no on that idea. At this point I want him to recover but I also hate to see him so unhappy.
Please forward any suggestions. Or you could just send him happy thoughts.