My little experiment...


Active Member
I've had Cleaner Shrimp before, but in a tank with a 15" Volitan Lion and a 5" Queen Trigger, needless to say...they never lasted very long.
I got another, today and it seems that my Whitemouth loves it.



Active Member
The Sailfin gets close, but wont let it jump on yet. The Dragon just stares at it, like it's contemplating whether or not it wants to eat it and then turns and swims away.



Active Member
The Shrimp has only been in the tank for maybe 30 - 45 minutes and the Whitemouth is already all over it...follows it around the tank.

The Cleaner was on the Whitemouth's back, riding it around the tank.


Active Member
i think that's what cleaner shrimp do in the wild too. i heard you lost alot of fish in some ich attack. what's the new stocking list. where's the hawaiin dragon and that is one beautiful whitemouth


Originally Posted by jr2857
where's the substrate??? don't see any sand in the 5th or 6th pic? :notsure:
:notsure: :notsure: Must be a bare bottom tank is my gues jr.


Active Member
The ich outbreak was months ago.
I've been making room for 7 Hawaiian Dragons that I'm getting in, so I've given away most of my fish and some of them went to Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago.
I've got the Hawaiian Dragon, the Whitemouth and the Sailfin Tang (which is about to go a lady I know, with a 210gal. reef).
They're all in a temporary 90gal. tank, barebottom, with 150lb of live rock since I moved last week and dont have a place to set up the 200gal. for a while.
The Cleaner Shrimp is a success. I just got pics of him climbing completely inside the Dragons mouth.
Unfortunately the power has been going off and on, off and on, tonight and it just fried my computer. I'm on my parents computer, right now and it doesnt have the software to upload the pics from my camera.


AW2, you've inspired me. Although I'm fairly confident my shark will make a quick meal of a cleaner shrimp, I'm going to give one a try. Ever seen a cleaner with a shark, ray, eel and grouper. Maybe they'll leave it alone.


I kept 1 for years with my Antenneta and a Niger Trigger. It would clean them both without any problems. I thought it would then be safe to add a coral banded shrimp. He wasn't in the tank for more than 30 mins when the Trigger felt like eating a snack :scared: Go figure.


Active Member
I'd be hesitant to add one, unless you can get them cheap, because of your Miniatus.
The reason I couldnt keep them before was because of my big 15" Volitan.
I got to be friends with a fish store owner, in Chicago and worked there sometimes, for free stuff, instead of him paying me.
When I got my Cleaner Shrimp, I still had to pay $23 each...they were selling them for $35 and people were paying it.
Anyway...I bought 3 of them, because I got "inspired", as you say, about other people keeping them. I took them home, acclimated and put them in the tank. My Volitan ate all 3, right before my eyes, before they hit the sand.
Ever have one of those instances where you're banging on the glass, screaming at your fish..."DONT EAT THAT! DONT EAT THAT! YOU SON OF A..."


Originally Posted by AW2
I'd be hesitant to add one, unless you can get them cheap, because of your Miniatus.
The reason I couldnt keep them before was because of my big 15" Volitan.
I got to be friends with a fish store owner, in Chicago and worked there sometimes, for free stuff, instead of him paying me.
When I got my Cleaner Shrimp, I still had to pay $23 each...they were selling them for $35 and people were paying it.
Anyway...I bought 3 of them, because I got "inspired", as you say, about other people keeping them. I took them home, acclimated and put them in the tank. My Volitan ate all 3, right before my eyes, before they hit the sand.
Ever have one of those instances where you're banging on the glass, screaming at your fish..."DONT EAT THAT! DONT EAT THAT! YOU SON OF A..."
Thanks for the advice... and I think you're right. I got one today, only cost me $20 at a lfs I know. He made it for a while but I lost track of him and now can't seem to find him. And my miniatus is swimming around like this
... hmm.


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Back, by populat demand...
I finally got the DME pics uploaded to my newly restored computer.
They're not the best...I'm a stickler when it comes to my photography, but they're the only ones I had and I wanted to share.
