Originally Posted by DennyCrane
I do have one question: some people have commented that success here may depend on what you add first - shrimp or aggressives? So far, I haven't seen a clear answer (maybe there isn't one). What's your take on it? Chicken or egg?
Sweet pics!
You know...I think it all depends on the personality of the fish that are in the tank.
When I got my first Cleaner Shrimp and the Lion ate them, the shrimp were added after all the fish had been in the tank and established territory. Plus, the fish had never seen Cleaner Shrimp, so to them I think it was just instinctual to eat them. So, in that instance, I'd say that the CS should have been added first.
However, I know a guy that has a 240gal. tank with Harlequin Tusk, 9" Clown Trigger, 15" Vlamingi (sp?) Tang, 12" - 14" Stars and Stripes Puffer, a Blue Throat Trigger...as well as some other meaner predator fish. He added 5 - 6 CS AFTER all the fish had been in the tank for a while. He's only lost 1, to the Harlequin, but the others are doing just fine. I dont think actually come out and "clean" the fish...so, the only reason they're still alive is maybe because they hide fairly well.
I was 95% sure I'd be alright adding the CS this time. Both of my Morays are fish eaters and the only other fish in the tank is an 8" Sailfin Tang.