My MAJOR aptasia problem

Well, most you people talk about 5 or 6 aptasia's and you are PISSED.. well I suffered a broken back from a snowboarding accident and was unable to care for my tank for a good 3 months.. IMAGINE THE APTASIA problem I have. If I only had about 50 I would consider myself lucky.. but nope I am not.. not lucky at all.. I have a good 100 of them. This is in a 75 gallon tall tank.
I have used the search feature and saw that hot water gets rid of them but how do I take them out?
Do I suck them up with a turkey baster after I inject them with some hot water? Ill keep you all updated.. it may be a few days.
I had the same problem in a 55. The dandylion of the salt water world growing out of control. I tried everything , calcium ,hot water and even sucking them out. But what solved my problem was a copper banded butterfly. It took about 3 weeks for them to be wiped out. The butterfly is a very neat addition to the tank and he is still there. Though this would only work with a peaceful tank.

Originally posted by Snakes'n'fish
I had the same problem in a 55. The dandylion of the salt water world growing out of control. I tried everything , calcium ,hot water and even sucking them out. But what solved my problem was a copper banded butterfly. It took about 3 weeks for them to be wiped out. The butterfly is a very neat addition to the tank and he is still there. Though this would only work with a peaceful tank.

Peaceful meaning? I have a lionfish, porcky puffer, dottyback and a squirl fish.
They are all pretty nice.. but all seemed pretty pissed when I stuck my hand in the tank to take out the rocks today.
Do you have a pic of the butterfly? Also are the copper ones the only aptasia eaters?


Active Member
Although they are known to eat apstasia it isnt a great idea to get one just for that reason unless you have a very established high quality set up.
Have you tried Peppermint Shrimp?
I got success with Kalk Paste. Liquid Calcium wont do, has to be kalkwasser paste.
Good luck,
Tim has a good point, they need an established system and the fish you have are aggressive. I would not add a butterfly with a porky. His idea of a peppermint might end up as dinner for the puffer. With your set up go with the safer method, try the kalkwasser paste that is one I never tried. I would hate to see you spending $30 on a butterfly only to see it get picked to death.
I have heard that all butterfly fish will eat apstasia. I just went with a copper banded as they seem to be a little hardier than the others. That and I think they are one of the prettiest of the butterflies :)
Hmmmm.... I think that what all these people are saying is good advice. If I could I'd take em off your hands! I can't keep any inverts alive in my tank cept one lowly aptasia and its not making babies! It must be so lonely for it being the only invertebrate in my tank!:(
oh well, I think the paste is your best bet,


wow...100 aiptasia, sorry to hear that.
The one's I try to kill with hot water come back a few days later. it's not a terrible problem at this point. I plan on getting a peppermint shrimp soon...
I love butterfly fish and the copperbanded is one of the coolest I've seen. I'm starting to research them and was thinking of adding him as my first fish (provided I see him eat food at the LFS). Is this a bad idea? Tank has been up for almost 2 months. I plan on having all peaceful fish (any others you'd recommend first over copperbanded). advice???

Originally posted by toddpolish
I love butterfly fish and the copperbanded is one of the coolest I've seen. I'm starting to research them and was thinking of adding him as my first fish (provided I see him eat food at the LFS). Is this a bad idea? Tank has been up for almost 2 months. I plan on having all peaceful fish (any others you'd recommend first over copperbanded). advice???

How big of tank ? I would not recomend one for less than a 55 gallon tank.
I would not get a butterfly as one of the first fish. They are a rather delicate fish. Even the hardier ones like the copper bandeds. If you are looking into a peaceful setup start with chromis, they are in a rainbow of colors and with 2 or more they school. They are a cheaper and not very aggressive. That way you could keep an eye on them and then 3-6 months down the road add a butterfly as your tank matures.
Well, sorry to inform you all BUT I GOT THE COPPERBAND

That is the new baby. As for him being in the tank, the smallest fish in the tank (a dottyback) was the ONLY fish giving him a hard time. But that only lasted a few hours.
THe puffer and lion I have are pretty friendly, my puffer lets me pet him and really enjoys it.
The tank is pretty established and has been up for about a year with no fish deaths and no major problems (except my aiptasia problem).
I'll keep everyone updated on my journy to being aiptasia free. Thank you for you help.


Someone above metioned peppermint shrimp! I think that they are they best fighter of rock anenomes. If you buy a few (they are extremely cheap to purchase) they will clean your problem up in a short period of time!

Originally posted by Nerdy
Someone above metioned peppermint shrimp! I think that they are they best fighter of rock anenomes. If you buy a few (they are extremely cheap to purchase) they will clean your problem up in a short period of time!

but then my puffer will clean them up in no problem lol