My Mandarin after 6 weeks.


Active Member
I had posted before I bought my Mandarin to see if my tank would be able to support his appetite. Here is a picture of him 6 weeks after adding him to the tank. He appears to be doing fine to me, but I wanted to run it by some of the experts to make sure he is fine. He eats like crazy and I still see pods on the glass.

bang guy


Originally posted by TangMan99
Here is a picture of him 6 weeks after adding him to the tank.

Looks like a nice healthy female Dragonette.

Active Member
tangman sweet little guy. they are one of the first sw fish i ever saw it was in my uncles tank and after seeing it i always wont a sw tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Looks like a nice healthy female Dragonette.

Yeah Bang, how do you know it's a female? If it's the tall spike on the front fin, it has one. You just can't see it in the picture.
I'm glad it is doing fine though. I believe it has plenty to eat and it is the only thing in the tank that eats pods so there is no competition.

bang guy


Originally posted by TangMan99
If it's the tall spike on the front fin, it has one. You just can't see it in the picture.

Then I stand corrected. The shorter dorsal fin threw me off.


Active Member
Oh! Mr. Paisley. What a beauty. Yeah he has that long fin in front, but he very seldom raises it. It is usually flat on his back.