My Maroon Clown feeds his .........


.... host bubble anemone. Its awesome, he'll snatch a large morsel of food and swim to the anemone and spit it out. Its fun to watch. He found it a few days after I added the bubble anemone to the tank and now its his little baby! And dare I put my hand anywhere near his anemone.
I'm planning on taking all my fish out of the tank for a copper dip due to ich, but I plan to keep the clown in the ich infested water since he cleans himself on the anemone ... he has never ever shown any signs of ich. Good idea? or should I copper dip him too?
Will post a clip of him feeding the bubble soon.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
to completely get rid of ich you have to have a fish free system for a certain amount of time...forget the exact amount of time (45 days sounds right). If you are keeping a fish in your system ich could still be present even though the particular fish isnt showing any signs. I'd really consider doing a hypo treatment instead of a copper dip.


Active Member
I think you should do hypo. I think it works better and faster. I would do the clown too just to be on the safe side, because the ich will die off in the main tank if it doesnt have a host.