Yes that is a cpr aquafuge. Be careful with these things they tend to backflow alot of water back into the main tank. They are not made for small tanks. I drilled 2 small holes in the intake and outlet tubes to help a little and added battery backup also. I do not want any flooding. All I keep in it is some tiny particle sand, live rock rubble to anchor the macro algae. I use carpulara, but you can use whatever you want. I also house my heater in there. The aquafuge is great for the production of pods, but so far really has not reduced my nitrates any noticeable amounts it does not have a large enough volume to do so. It has reduced my algae in the main tank though.
Well honestly I might only keep that 1 fish. I only have a 7 gallon, and I want to have mostly corals. I might add one clownfish, but that will be it.
I do not feed my zoos nothing. Mine are doing great, but I have only had them for about 3 weeks.
As for the frogspawn I do not add anything directly to that either.
I use dt's live photoplankton about once a week very tiny amount. I want to keep my trates as low as possible...
Thanks hope this helps...