my murdering maroon clown


i had a closed green brain, for about a year. well about 3 months ago my maroon clown started to host in it.:mad: well long story short, my green brain is now dead
. it was my best looking coral. my wife, who is not to happy with the cost involved with keeping a SW tank anyway, is very upset. she loved that coral. how should i have moved my clown, is there away???????????????


I would move him to your toilet. Just kidding. I had a mated pair of Maroons and the hosted in nearly every coral I have at one time or another. They were particularly hard on my colt and leather. If they did not host in them, they nipped at them, or knocked them over.


toilet?, that just may be the way to go:eek: . i like the clown alot so i guess he stays. :D
i just wish he hadn't killed my best coral


are the star polyps still growing in your tank. is the xenia in the work tank still spreading. last week, i moved the rock it was on to get it to move to another one, then last weekend i tried to cut the stalks with a blade to separate, but it wasn't fully attached to the new rock and it looked kinda iffy for awhile.