My Name Is Emo and I Am Addicted . . .


I just wanted to introduce myself to the group.
I am a saltwater newbie. I got my first tank a week ago. It is a 35 gallon hex. LS, LR, 2 perculas, 2 tomato clowns, 1 spotted puffer, a purple pseudocroma, crabs, urchins, a brittle star and lots of little "things" in the tank.
This tank was up and running for three years before it ended up in my office. I transported everything there in buckets, assembled it all, and it is running very well. Water quality is excellent. There were no spikes that I expected to see after stirring it all up. I have even noticed that my LR has "stuff" growing on it.
I look forward to learning more information here. I have found the collective knowledge here more helpful and more accurate than my LFS.
The tank is the hit of the office. It is easy to see why it is such an addictive hobby.


Active Member
Welcome Emo, one question...since you moved your tank to the office and it made a big hit then how do you and anyone in your office get any work done? They all gotta be crowded around your tank all day pearring inside so how can they get work accomplished?


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!! You will find a wealth of knowledge, years of experience, and eagerness to share to all wanting to learn.
I am somewhat surprised that you didn't have a spike, just continue to monitor the water. This is very important and glad to see that you are doing just that.
You will find this hobby very rewarding and challenging at the same time, this is why I switched over from freshwater a few years back. I am still learning something new all the time!! :joy:
Remember to do water changes and all should go very smoothly. Repeat after me...water changes are my friend.
I have found that many problems can be solved with water changes.
Who knows, your tank may spark interest to your fellow workmates...


you picked the right place, you'll find more useful knowledge here than the internet!
to board guru's!!!!


Welcome to the Boards

You will learn alot from these people and remember that they are giving you their input, they are not trying to sell you something like the lfs so they have no financial gain just the pleasure of spreading their knowledge.


Active Member
Welcome to the crack pipe. Please remember to puff puff give. This hobby is way more addictive then crack and more expensive.
but at least you’ll never loose teeth and your butt


Active Member
i am curious to see another 35g hex reef tank, that is established. i just recentlly cycled mine. i am going for a very different and rare sort of set up with this lil one.
so far i have most of my clean up crew, 30 cerith snails, 1 bumble bee shrimp, 1 sexy shrimp , 1 gold coral banded shrimp, and the only fish so far as a b+W ocelaris clown....
also, check the levels every 48 hours, spikes often work on delay because of the time it takes for stuff that is kicked up to become ammonia etc etc


Active Member
This website alone is enough of a distraction at work.
I couldnt imagine having a tank to stare at too...

Read as much as you can and check the Archives!!
Good luck


Active Member
i hate to agree with a gator, but yea. i use the time at work to study up, learn on here etc etc... then enjoy the tank, and apply what i have learned when i get home :)


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Me too. Right now, I should be working on a web application. DON'T TELL MY BOSS!

haha sounds like me at my old job, only thing is I would bypass the proxy server and web filters so they couldn't see where I was going or what I was doing

clown boy

Active Member

Don't take me seriously on something like that. I truly am an honest person, and I get my work done.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by CaptainEmo
I just wanted to introduce myself to the group.
I am a saltwater newbie. I got my first tank a week ago. It is a 35 gallon hex. LS, LR, 2 perculas, 2 tomato clowns, 1 spotted puffer, a purple pseudocroma, crabs, urchins, a brittle star and lots of little "things" in the tank.
This tank was up and running for three years before it ended up in my office. I transported everything there in buckets, assembled it all, and it is running very well. Water quality is excellent. There were no spikes that I expected to see after stirring it all up. I have even noticed that my LR has "stuff" growing on it.
I look forward to learning more information here. I have found the collective knowledge here more helpful and more accurate than my LFS.
The tank is the hit of the office. It is easy to see why it is such an addictive hobby.

I don't have any experience with puffers, but it would be a good idea to ditch one of the clown pairs.
I also think that the tank might be over stocked.
I would watch everything closely.
I also have a tank at work (5 gallon) with a CBS and mushrooms and frogspawn.
There is alot of time "wasted" looking at my tank.