My Nano Cube Dlx Pics!!!


ok so i just set up my nano about 2 1/2 weeks ago, so i just started. i have a 55 gallon FOWLR as well, but i wanted to get started on a mini reef! i would appreciate any tips/suggestions/comments/advice for stocking...whatever! i am really stoked though new baby!
...the set up so far


Did you use LR and water from your 55 gallon setup? Just wondering because a 2.5 weeks cycle may not be long enough. I figure you know what your doing because you already have a tank up and running, but I would hate to see you lose that clown because the cycle wasn't finished.
Also why is the water in the display so low?
It looks as though you are off to a great start however! Keep us posted on the progress.


well I think you should add more sand, get a cleanup crew, and raise your water level because it just flat looks better. If you can I would take the clown out and put a clean up crew in first. I waited 5 weeks before adding my clowns and I only had a 6 day cycle. I think the tank should be at least partially established with pods and such. but this is just my opinion.


thanks guys i appreciate it. i bought the LR from my LFS. apparently it was pre cured and already established along time ago due to the ammount of coraline algae. i did a water test at my LFS and they reccomended that i put the clown in so hopefully things will turn out ok. i am getting a clean up crew today. also, with regards to the water level, i know it looks unsightly but that is as high as it gets. if i fill it up any more my bioballs will be completely submerged(unless thats ok).....just some more questions for all the reef pros out there...
1.When should i do my first water change?
2.How often should i do it?
3.What are the best reef suplements to put in the water?
4. How can i promote more coraline algae growth so it can grow on the back of the tank?


1. your LFS will tell you to put the clown in because they are in the business of making money so while the clown may survive it may also become very stressed.
2. GET THOSE FREAKING BIOBALLS OUT OF THERE. Also get the ceramic rings from there as well. those things are nothing but nitrate factories which can become toxic to your livestock. replace the bioballs and ceramic rings with LR rubble. submerge the rock completely. that should allow you to raise the level. Because the more water the better. "dilution is the solution to pollution" the more water you have the less serious a problem can become.
3. Do a weekly water change of 10%, I however do a change every 5 days because I don't have all those bottles of additives so I change my water more often to help with the trace elements
4. Most people add calcium, iodine(the one thing I do add), as well as thing like strontium and magnesium, because they are apparently good for corals. though I am partial to adding something like Kent essential elements if you are on a tight budget and have a small tank.<-- Me (they sell that stuff on here)
5. I believe the consensus for coraline algae is to add calcium. just be careful about it growing on your glass. it can take over and you will have a really hard time scraping it off.
hope that helps


thanks! the clown, in all honesty, looks very VERY healthy. i have had perculas before so i think it will be ok. thanks for the advice though. should i really ger rid of the bioballs??? ahh that scares me but i may try it. can i just get LR at my lfs and put it there instead? do u have a nano cube dlx as well? if so, tell me what to do about filtration cuz if i got rid of the bio balls and carbon, the only form of filtration i would have is the foam filter catcher. thanks!


The only filtration I have is LR rubble and a sponge in my 24NC. It has been up since Feb. with no problems. I will occationally run chemi-pure or phosban, but not on a regular basis.
If you use LR for the LFS make sure it is fully cured.


hmm i guess that sounds like the best way to go! yea i wanna make sure i have the best water for my tank, so i appreciate all the advice i can get. is LR rubble as expensive as regular LR? well, ill be at my LFS in an hour talkin with a very trusted employee their, but thanks guys i think im gonna look into the rubble.


I have a nano cube 12 gallon dx myself. the bioballs are actually used for the fresh water setup. the LR acts as a biological filter to filter out bad things like nitrates where as the bioballs are nitrate factories. That is why people want LIVE rock. And as far a rubble goes my LFS gave mine to me at about half the price because people don't want small rocks, they want big rocks to make awesome aquascaping designs. Ireally want to post a pic of mine for you but I have not finished rescapeing it yet. Maybe in a few days if this thread is still alive.
neeways have fun


most def a bunch of different kinds of mushrooms, polyps, candy cane coral that sorta thing. i would like some tips on the easier corals to take care of. thanks so much for the info, i just bought some LR rubble today(not at half price
) and got 4 snails to clean up my little algae bloom. my clown seems fine, though hes found his hiding spot behind the rocks. i was worried at first but i dropped a couple mysis shrimp in and he went straight for em. thanks guys, the more tips the better! ill keep you posted


zoos are always a nice addition and usually spread rapidly. Another quick grower is GSP (green star polyp), it grows like a weed.


what are zoos? by the way, if anyone out there is an expert on perc guy is hiding in the back. he doesent look sick, breathing fine, eating well, he just seems to be hiding behind this one rock at the bottom. is this normal? everything about him looks fine and hes swimming well.


I have 2 false percs and they will behave strangely at times. I would just keep an eye on him.



yea so i now have live rock rubble in where my bioballs were. was i supposed to take out the carbon and ceramic rings as well? cuz i did...anyway, i addded 2 more pieces of LR to the tank as well. clown looks ok, hes prolly just stressed. he is still swimming around the bottom and back of the tank but seems to be very picky when he eats(mysis). thanks guys!


The carbon is optional. Some people swear that it clears the water others say that it is completely useless and not to toot my own horn and say "I told ya so" but his hiding most likely was stress related. Also I have found that while they may be picky eaters in the beginning after a few day they can acquire a taste for other stuff.
post pics soon!


thanks harial. yea i changed the aquascape, looks pretty siq so far. i will post new pics asap. what else should i feed the clown? i have some other frozen formula foods, what would u rec? brine shrimp?


I make my own formula myself using my food processor consisting of a mixture of blended seafoods and other things. But instead of going through the whole thing, here is the website I based my personal recipe off of.
Marc(the guy who wrote this) is the president of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Marine Aquarium Society(of which I am a member). He has some really good tips like buying a frozen seafood medley at the oriental mart instead of getting everything from the deli at up to 10 time the price(I am not kidding about that either). You can tailor it to suit the needs of your livestock by processing things like vitamins or mysis and brine into the mixture to.
anyway I hope this helps. And you should look at his entire site because he has LOTS of info on LOTS of things. Besure to visit the "hidden treasures" page.


last post i swear... when do i do my first water change?(tanks been running for 3 weeks) and what kind of hermit crab should i get that will eat algae off the substrate and will not eat my snails! thanks


well, I did my first water change when I noticed my nitrates beginning to inch up. water changes are done to replenish trace elements, remove waste, and eliminate harmful toxins. As far as crabs go, go with basic small hermits, you really can't protects your snails unless you buy extra empty shells. When they have outgrown their shell and can't find a replacement, hermits will seek out a snail, kill it and take its shell. so you can put a few empty ones into the tank with the new hermits. And if you have the cash you may think about staghorn hermits, which are good for cleaning substrate.
other good substrate cleaners include sand sifting stars and Nassarius Snails.
And post as much as you like. if you have any questions, I am sure your fish would prefer if you asked