My Nanocube 24g skimmer is leaking, need to fix or is it normal to leak?


So, I have a protein skimmer that I got with my nanocube 24, its a custom made one by some guy in the miami area who makes them and sells them for $299......... I have never used it before and I haven't tried to yet because of two reasons. 1) I need to buy a pump for it and 2) it seems to leak.
I did a water test on it and I noticed there is leaks in different areas of the skimmer. Keep in mind the skimmer goes submerged in the water in the middle of 3 spots behind the fake wall of my Nanocube 24 JBJ. Do I need to fix these leaks so the skimmer works properly or will it still work with this minor leaks? Or am I completely a noob and all skimmers have some leaking and its normal?


Active Member
Where are the leaks? It shouldn't be a problem if it is a slow leak. But if its like pouring out water in the wrong places then it is a problem.


Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
Where are the leaks? It shouldn't be a problem if it is a slow leak. But if its like pouring out water in the wrong places then it is a problem.

They are mostly low low leaks, a couple mid, and 1 or 2 on the top.... So its normal for it to leak?


My question is, what should I buy to use, Aquarium Silicone or some aquarium-safe super glue? In other words some of the pieces might need to be "glued" together a little tighter, Aquarium Silicone isn't sticky right? It's more of a sealant only and not really a glue ? Or does it keep things together llike glue too?