My NanoCube




Originally posted by MarineSnow
I added the Moonglow (but can hardly call that a retrofit because you just screw the little thing on the lid)
The tank comes standard with 24 watts of white light. I replaced the bulb with a 32 watt 10K/actinic side by side PC

I just purchased the Nanocube this weekend and have it cycling now. I just want to be clear with what lights you have. If I'm understanding correctly, you only changed to a higher wattage bulb and did not use the retrofit kit that many people are using with these tanks? How long have you had the bulb in there and have you had any issues with it?
Your tank looks fantastic! :joy:


Oh yeah suprbeagle..... I did the trade out a few months ago and so for so good as you can see from the tank response.


Very nice Marinesnow. Could you show a shot of how you hooked the skimmer up to it? And did you pull the sponges out too or just the ceramics, carbon and bioballs? Thanks bro.


Hey, that's a great tank! I'm also running a nano-cube, and it's finally getting pretty well established and the stuff is thriving. I'll try and take a decent picture to post really soon if anyone is interested. I'd like to get some more light on it though, do you mind if I ask where you got the 32-watt bulb in such a short size? Also, do you have some more details on that skimmer? I'm just doing 2 gal./week water changes, so a skimmer would be awesome. Thanks!


Thanks Stevebk....
I found the bulb at a LFS.
I am currently using a Red Sea Prism works well, but I don't like it's width so I just bought a SeaClone that I'm gonna hook up this weekend.
Would love to see some pics of your tank.

P.S. Where are you going to school?


Your tank is awesome...I love it. I like the sun coral a lot!
I got a 10g that I just set up today....hoping to frag all my corals in my 30g to get it looking good.


I am wanting to get a nano cube too once i get the funds. I was wanting to get the sun coral too but some sites say the care level is moderate and since I am new to this i was just thinking about it.


New Member

Originally posted by MarineSnow
A close up shot

Nice tank... i'm thiniking of getting back into this hobbie again...
I still have my 3 x 2 x 1 and a 4 x 2 x 1 aga from 6 years ago...
but i'l thinking of getting an 80 litre mini reef tank this will cost me about $350 aud , and comes complete with light hood and built in bio filter...


Thanks Stapler and flynemo...
I have to say that the only thing I've had to be careful with the sun coral is to not give him too much light.
Good luck, and send some pics