My NanoCube


I have a sun coral, but mine won't open up like that. Anybody got any suggestions on how to make it happy?
I have him under a ledge in my hundred gallon tank. He is pretty much in the shade, When I feed the tank brine shrimp or blood worms (frozen -thawed) he doesn't really grab any of it. My water quality is good, no amonia, no nitrites, nitrates < 10. calcium at 425-450. Anybody got any suggestions?


The sun coral I bought from SWF is supposed to do better in the shade. and be spot fed, but mine doesn't seem to eat much and he doesn't seem to open up. I haven't had him very long (little more than a week, but I'd feel better if I saw him eat.


It may take more than a week or two for them to acclimate and stop being so "shy" You can encourage them to open at first by continued spot feeding in minimal lighting. Once they start doing that, then you can coax them to do so in subdued light. Mine is in the darkest corner of my tank but still receives a fair amount of lighting, yet I often find his polyps extended during the day now. :joy:


Here's some pictures I just took tonight...had to rearrange the aquascape to accomodate this Rose Bubble Anemone I got last week.


Active Member
MarineSnow, very beautiful tank you have :yes:
I would like to know, do you have one 32 watt pc 50/50 or two of them?
Debbie :happyfish


Really beautiful tank! What is the maroon pink coral at the bottom right, with the white tips? That is exceptional as are all your corals.


Active Member
I would like to ask you a few more questions if you don't mind? :)
I noticed you did not mention any snails in your tank, do you have any of them?
You listed the (goby, clown, crab, and shrimp) I have those same critters only different ones. Do you find they do a good enough job of keeping the tank clean?
My snail just died and they are not very cheap here to buy so I was wanting to know if the four things you have keep you tank clean enough?
When you do water changes, how much water is taken out and how often are the changes done?
And lastley, do you add anything like Phyto into your tank water for your corals?
Have a nice day..........Debbie :cheer: