My nasu tang acting wierd???


I noticed my naso tang acting funny tonight. one moment he is swimming fine and the next he is on his side with all his fins out. then back to swimming. I have noticed him not eating like he should in the last couple of days. I have had him about a month now.


water is great plus all other fish are doing great have not lost a fish in a long time.As I remember he was not a great eater to begin with kinda picky.


Active Member
What you mean by water is great? Need exact readings!! Naso Tang are picky eaters, but in my experience, once they start eating for you, there shouldn't be any problem. When I first got my Naso, he wouldn't eat anything for a week and I was beginning to worry about him, then I try brown algae sheets and he started eating the very day I put that in, before he wouldn't touch the green algae, live brine, formula 2, etc etc. I tried everything!!!! But I read in the wild they feed on brown algae so I ask my LFS to order some for me ASAP, so they got the order in within couple of days. He's been eating anything I put in the tank ever since. Haven't tried the green algae sheets on him yet though...You should also check him for any signs of disease! Do you have powerheads for water movement? Any powerheads disturbing the surface? Good Luck! :happyfish