My neighbor's wife is getting on him about the cost...



Originally Posted by T316
All...I'm pretty sure Calvertbill is kidding here (to a degree), so can we get back to having some fun


But only
to a degree!! I don't live there and it's really NOMB but it sort of frosts me that she could adopt that attitude while she's trying to become Imelda Jr. with a closet with 274 pair of shoes (the closet used to be a guestroom).


Active Member
Originally Posted by dskrezyna
Ever see the movie, Snatch? :)
Feed 'im to the pigs, Earl.
This is possibly the best thread ever. Please stop trying to get deep with it, and help Calvert's friend with his possible future issue.


Active Member
Even better than pigs is dig up an old fence post a little deeper... throw the body in, add a bunch of lime, cover with dirt and put the fence post back in. Just repairing a post... and after time the lime eats the body away completely..... umm... or so I've heard ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Feed 'im to the pigs, Earl.
This is possibly the best thread ever. Please stop trying to get deep with it, and help Calvert's friend with his possible future issue.

Ya know, I have to disagree. I'm seeing a few too many of these threads recently. And I think they are getting pretty tasteless for the boards.
So its had a decent life, and doesn't add anything to this forum.
Sorry - I'm going to do something I rarely do - thread closed.