my new 12 gallon aquapod nano


i just recently purchased a 12 gallon nano from a guy on craigslist he had it for about a year. he gave it to me with about 30lbs of live rock and to star fish i got rid of the star fish cuz i wana make it to a reef tank. does any body have any ideas of what i should do next i just bought a frag of coral and i have two damsels..


i have only the filters the tank came with and an extra powerhead that i bought today im not sure if i should get the nano protein skimmer and a uv sterolizer any ideas on whats more important..


Active Member
It sounds like you got an established tank!
which is great. I would suggest testing all your water parameters a couple of times over the next week or so to make sure they are all good and then you should be good to go! I have brand new Aquapod 12 I am going to set up at work this week with LR, sand, and corals from my 55 gal reef.
I am a big fan of protein skimmers from my years of SW fishkeeping, but don't have any opinions on UV sterilizers-I haevn't ever used one and never had any problems with my tank. As for the damsels, I don't know if you are set on them, but I don't like them-they are aggresive and just plain mean fish and I would remove the ones I have in my 55, IF I could ever catch them!
Good luck with your tank!


i ran a 12 gallon jbj for a while.. it was great i only used a carbon bag for filterization and a chemipure elite.
oh and some filter floss for polishing the water that i changed out daily. a skimmer is nice but i didnt use one and i had sps in thier .. mine had the halide on it though


ok thanks but on a differet topici got i think is fire worms in my ive rock but i have alot of them and today my mexican turbo snail was acting weird and i found the worms in the snail do these things eat snails and if they do how do i get ridd of them


I use to see them come out at night just after the lights went out...About two weeks ago I got two arrow crabs from my lfs and I haven't seen any in about two days.


ok so arrow crab should help me but are they reef safe if not any ideas on anything else i could becuz i have alot of them


Active Member
Originally Posted by P-Rock973
ok so arrow crab should help me but are they reef safe if not any ideas on anything else i could becuz i have alot of them
Eventually when they run out of worms, arrow crabs look at other things as food i.e. fish, cuc members, and corals. That's when its time to sell them or trade them in.
They're a good idea to get a fireworm and flatworm population in check, but remember the cause of these worms is from too much feeding.


yea i figured becuz i just got the tank and all these worms were already in here but ill trythose arrow crabs thanks