My new 125G FOWLR project


ya, now he's flaring up at the trigger so I am thinking he will have to go to another tank.
Updated fish list:
-Foxface Lo
-Hawaiian Black Trigger
What do you think about my options, wait and get another angel when one comes available? or get a lion and call it a day? will add a tang at some point soon as well though.


I would get rid of the foxface in hurry before he kills your other fish . I would try to at least get soemthing for him at the lfs and get a nice angel . queen or french angels are hardy . you will just need a bigger tank in the future .


I know, I have a planned 6' x 4' x 4' to go in my bedroom wall as it adjoins my garage.
I believe the foxface will go this week as I upgrade lighting and get the cleaner crew finalized. I loved the passer and how active he was. He would swim in a zig zag pattern between the rock back and forth most of the day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sc0rp_XIII
The foxface is at the LFS and now I have a small 5" Naso tang in its place

THe naso will outgrow the 125g. They need 180g IMO. YOu got a ways before it is full grown though.


That sucks what happened to the King Angel, glad you got rid of the Fox...Did you decide on the replacement....Have you considered an Annularis? Amazing deal on the tank btw, looks great.
Don't Black Triggers get really huge?


the tank I described above will be alittle more then 700 gallons when finished so it should be big enough. ETA two years max on getting it built. The Naso is doing great in the tank. I will take more pics soon and post. The Black Trigger from what I have read and the LFS told me will get up to 10" or a foot in captivity while they can be found up to 18" in the wild. He is also quite active and both are eating well twice daily.
As for the angel, I will let the system setup abit more before adding another fish but I want another Passer Angel eventually. I have also looked at a Asfur or Majestic.


New Member
glad i read this. i got a yellowhead eel, juvie picasso trigger, and a medium to large foxface. i wanted to get rid of the foxface. now i will. i will try and trade it for crabs and snails. how do crabs, snails, and starfish and such figure into the "inch of fish per gallon" equation? and about the foxface. i see a filmy webby type stuff once in a while. is that something from it? poison or something. i saw it like on him, on the dorsal fin. and i have seen it just floating around the tank.


Originally Posted by eelski
glad i read this. i got a yellowhead eel, juvie picasso trigger, and a medium to large foxface. i wanted to get rid of the foxface. now i will. i will try and trade it for crabs and snails. how do crabs, snails, and starfish and such figure into the "inch of fish per gallon" equation? and about the foxface. i see a filmy webby type stuff once in a while. is that something from it? poison or something. i saw it like on him, on the dorsal fin. and i have seen it just floating around the tank.
Your Picasso will eat all the inverts eventually, triggers and puffers are not invertebrate friendly, even the usually mild mannered Picasso. I know very little about the Foxface other than I don't ever want one now!

vegas made

nice tank everything looking good
nice niger also i think getting a big nice lion for that tank would be awesome
dam and everythin was only $400 that is hella cheap thats how much just my new tank satnd and canopy cost and its only 100 gallons


ya, $400, that's the beauty of Cra1gslist
I will be deciding in a few months whether to get a lion or another angel. Everything I have now should be fine with either of them and I want the tank to establish itself with the current residents and what I will add shortly to make sure there isn't a tank crash.
I am currently upgrading the lighting and starting to build a sump/refuge as I'm getting tired of the space confinement in the wet/dry.


will get some more pics and post them this weekend. I added a Powder Brown Tang to the mix and will get a Porcupine Puffer sometime in the next week or so. He is on hold at the LFS. I recently upgraded the lighting and am getting pieces together to build a sump/refuge for the tank to replace the wet/dry.


Active Member
I was just looking around the older threads...Ran accross this one that looked interesting...Anything happening with this tank