My New 135 Gallon!!!


If you look hard enough, you can find one. I got what you see, plus a new canister filter for $80!!! It was $120, but she lowered it! Now I have to get lights, and build a new canopy. Lights are going to cost me $90!


Are those metal brackets on the corners?? If so then that tank is prollyu old. Fill it, let it sit for a while to make sure it don't leak. Otherwise nice pick up!!! Ellava deal!


Yes, it is about 6 years old, but they assured me it didn't leak, because the previous owners were always paranoid about that, and actually reinforced it and put more silicone on it. The lady I got it from had bought it from those people, but never got to use it. Here's a pic of it when it was still filled up, and with the canopy. The canopy was left outside and was ruined, so I have to build a new canopy.


Here's what I have to go from my 55 to this:
V. Lion
Humu Trigger
Yellow Tang
Panther Grouper
Striped Damsel
Lawnmower blenny
Hermet crab
Here's what I want to add:
Mertensii Butterfly
Saddleback Butterfly
Threadfin Butterfly
Some kind of sand sifter goby
Cleaner or CB shrimp
I think I'm going to take my Panther in to make more fish room, fund one of the Butterflys and make it safe for the shrimp. (He ate my last cleaner)
Inverts I want, maybe one of each:
Feather dusters
The Threadfin BF is not reef safe, but the others say "be cautious". So, I may have to scrap the Threadfin and get either a Yellow Pyramid BF, Blacklip BF or Blackback BF.