my new 140 oceanic aggressive tank


Active Member
here are a few pics of my tank the first one is the stand and canopy and the rest are of the tank over 150 of lr just set it up today will post more pics when the uv starts kickin in



Active Member
what do u guys think i think it looks pretty bad just because i just set it up but tommorow mourning it will be perfect crystal clear so what do u guys think


Active Member
wow i wish i was you i just started the hobby i got a 30 gallon that im about to turn into an aggressive and my mom has a 125 and i want a big tank so bad...grr LOOKS AWESOME


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Originally Posted by puffer24/7
what do u guys think i think it looks pretty bad just because i just set it up but tommorow mourning it will be perfect crystal clear so what do u guys think
The cloudiness should clear up. Is that a grouper in the pic.? Is the tank cycled? Nice size though, I will be upgrading in the next couple of months to atleast a 180.


Active Member
yep it is a panther grouper and yep the tank is cycled thank u all for ur comments i appreciate it a lot i do not have a definite list but i want it to be a surprise for u guys when i take pics of the fish that i will have in their i have given a couple of ideas what i want but not for sure


Active Member
no ur tank does not suck it is a work of art in which u created be proud of that. to be honest i am afraid of them little guys


Active Member
UH if you just set it up and the water is still cloudy how is it cycled? You do realise it takes weeks for a tank to cycle? Just slaping live rock and live sand in the tank doesn't cycle it. And you shouldn't have put anything in it yet. I hope your parents have deep pockets to keep up with the amount of money your going to waste on this tank.


Active Member
mitzel has a good point you really need to be more patient than you are like with that clownfish which im assuming is gonna be put in that tank as soon as the cycle is over with just be a little more patient from now on.. and get that fish out so the tank can cycle without killing or hurting the fish


Let's cut the BS. Puffer, I am not a fish rights activist and don't really care if you waste your money. But let's be honest... your explanation of "holding" that grouper for a LFS is ridiculous. Although you deny it, it's also clear from the 3rd pic that you have a blueface angel in there. Again I don't care if you waste your money. Finally, the claim that there is 150 pounds of liverock is not true and I have spotted some dead coral skeleton. No need to lie to appease people here who don't even know you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Let's cut the BS. Puffer, I am not a fish rights activist and don't really care if you waste your money. But let's be honest... your explanation of "holding" that grouper for a LFS is ridiculous. Although you deny it, it's also clear from the 3rd pic that you have a blueface angel in there. Again I don't care if you waste your money. Finally, the claim that there is 150 pounds of liverock is not true and I have spotted some dead coral skeleton. No need to lie to appease people here who don't even know you.

OMG! You have no idea how bad I wanted to say that! I dont know of any reputable fish store, even if you're friends with the owner, who's going to ask a customer to hold a fish because they dont have room for it.
And yes, there's also clearly other fish in that tank.
It's weird that just a few nights ago, you were asking for info about the Blue Faced and then in another thread you said you were going to get a Panther. Now, what do we see in the pics... :notsure:


Finally someone said i didnt want to be the D*** here but someone needed to say something. I have 150 of live rock in a 75 gallon and he claims to have the same and it no where near compares.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Let's cut the BS. Puffer, I am not a fish rights activist and don't really care if you waste your money. But let's be honest... your explanation of "holding" that grouper for a LFS is ridiculous. Although you deny it, it's also clear from the 3rd pic that you have a blueface angel in there. Again I don't care if you waste your money. Finally, the claim that there is 150 pounds of liverock is not true and I have spotted some dead coral skeleton. No need to lie to appease people here who don't even know you.

i agree just slow things down and be patient itll do a lot of good!


Active Member
wow guys calm down i am so excited dont burst my bubble i am pickin up a yellow belly dog face today very small and by the way so what if it has a panther from the lfs and yes it is cycled because it was up about a year. so wish me luck i only paid 159.99 for the blue face and i bet i wont lose it u watch and see u guys are good but not that good lol but seriously the panther is from the lfs and will be out


3 large fish in 2 days.
You're going to put a baby puffer in with that grouper?
I'm sure you'll have no problems with those plans.


Active Member
If the tank has been up a year then why does your profile say you have 3 months of experience? By the way, not to get too nit picky, but your posts would be easier to read if you put a period at the end of each sentence and a capital letter at the beginning... to say the least.


Active Member
i bet i wont thanks for the sarcasim though iam just trying to be nice and u still have an attitude well at least i know iam nice