my new 140 oceanic aggressive tank


Active Member
heres my new baby golden belly he has already made it his new home he stirred up all the gravel in the corner as soon as i put him in enjoy what do u think



Are you still going to be posting when you are losing fish??? If you can show me those same fish in 1 month then I'll concede you were right. Do you have the character to admit when your mistakes cost you fish and $$$?


Active Member
i have the character. i will def show my fish when they are still alive, not only do i know they will still be alive i guarantee that they will still be alive. so watch what u say i think i might be hearing apologies in a months time thank u for the compliments though jcrim i greatly appreciate it


U a betting man??? I figure the LFS is getting so much $ from you... want to risk some to me?


Would I be crazy to think that you may also have another fish with these 3? Naso tang maybe?


Active Member
ok buddy. i will put 1 million on it that these fish will survive. i know what iam doing here iam not stupid and by the way there not makin money from me, there breakin even, i get to buy wholesale buddy. thanks though once again for the compliments. ps: do u have that much to bet bc i would do it in a heart beat


Alright... lets talk some turkey. Be straight and tell me everything in there. I'll tell you what won't make it.


Active Member
Well I think we have told you what we think. But Maybe you need to hear it againYour going to kill your fish
Because you know absoulutly nothing about keeping aggressiveSW fishAnd even when your given good advice you still just do what your teenage brain thinks is ok from you limited experiances
Take all the fish out of that tank before you kill them
Used sand and live rock does not make a cycled tank.
Did you get any of that ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
buddy everything will make it trust me iam no dummy. u might think i am but iam not iam the real deal
Oh thats a matter of opinion


You have a puffer, grouper, blueface... do you have the tang? (be honest).
And don't take it so personal... you're fish won't make it because you're the "real deal". Don't be so arrogant and think that this will work because you want it to. Also I noticed that you filled your tank with tap water... well water. :scared: :scared:
Honestly... test me... I'll tell you exactly what will live and what will not.
From what I've seen so far, the angel and puffer are already "dead fish swimming". The grouper will probably make it for now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
panther grouper who has won many of shows

I would say it has won its last then


Active Member
mitzel u need some serious help. u are not even on my level i hate to say it but its true. the tank is cycled got it


Active Member
give me a break and iam not arrogant u are to say the least by saying all my fish are going to die what the hell are u the fish grim reaper