my new 140 oceanic aggressive tank


Active Member
Considering the fact that this is probably the 4th thread where people have tried to talk sense into puffer and it hasnt worked...this one probably isnt going to work either. There's no need to keep on and keep on and keep on...
The moderators of this site havent closed this thread down, but that doesnt mean that they havent been checking in, seeing who's in here, argueing back and forth. The reason I stopped posting in puffer24/7s threads, even when he asks me questions directly, is because he's clearly a 15yr. old know it all moron. He's not going to change. He's made that quite clear by blatantly lying to everyone about what fish he had in that tank...even when I saw the Angel and asked him about it and he went on and on about how he didnt know what it was...but it wasnt a fish.
We've done just about all we can for these fish. He's not going to get rid of them and unfortunately, they're most likely going to die. There's nothing we can do anymore.
This will be my last post in ANY of the threads he starts because it's too easy to get into an arguement with him and I, for one, am worried about my credibility in the eyes of the moderators.
If we all stop posting in his threads and argueing with him, then hopefully he'll go away.


Look... I don't have a problem with you personally. Obviously arguments like this get everyone riled up. But it is frustrating talking to you when you're general response is "it will live, I'm the real deal". I have made the same mistakes you're making now and so have everybody else in this discussion. Your tank will be beautiful one day but unfortunately, whether you believe it or not, you will be learning a lesson with these fish... especially the achilles tang and blueface angel. These are very difficult fish to keep. The puffer may make it if it is big enough to not get eaten by that monster grouper. This hobby will kick your butt a few times and will humble you. But that tank does have the potential to be great one day.


Active Member
by the way i wanted it to be a surprise for u and bmers suck by the way and i dont believe ur a manager at a dealer because to be honest with u they look a little bit better lookin than u plus u never answered my question that i asked u so u are not plus u dont have the looks to be either u look like a clean bum if ever i saw one lol u have to be more presentable when u sell cars and close the deal and i dont think any women would want to buy a honda let alone a bmer from u ha pretty funny and iam not gay by judgin u but how are u a manager at a bmer dealership thats hilraious


It that the only part of my post you read? A lot of people here know quite a bit about this hobby. Your tank will benefit if you listen to other peoples' experiences.


Active Member
nope no ich i run cooper in this tank hahahahahaha another failed attempt at telling me my fish are gonna die and iam also running pimafix and melafix just to be on the safe side


This is where people here can help you.... copper will kill almost everything on your liverock. Also, you mentioned both naso and achilles tangs. Do you have both or were you calling them by one name?