My new 20 gallon


I finally got it together for a water test today everything evened out fine except the loud slurping noise from the over flow. I hope to get that problem solved with a few 90 degree turns in the overflow line tomorrow
Equipment list.
Mag 3 return
175 watt 15 k XM metal halide
ss65 skimmer not pictured
Glass drilled for 1 inch bulkhead
Here are some pics.



I finally got the noisey overflow fixed i just had to throttle back on the return pump. Everything is running great i am goin to let it run all weekend just to make sure there are no other problems before i put the tank in its final spot. The overflow is just a bulk head and a 90 facing up with a plastic screen on it you can see it in one of the pics. Here a pic of the valve i put in this morning.


How do you like the flexi pipe you have for the return jets? Could I make a different overflow without drilling my tank? I want to set up a nice sump similar to yours on my 20 gallon tank so it's less parameter sensitive.


I like the flexi pipe its really hard to kink and easy to work with i have used it on my tanks in the past. The pump is a magdrive 3 but its a little more pump that i need if you do a similar setup on a 20 gallon tank and a 10 gallon sump i recommend a magdrive 2.


Awesome... I assume you could make a HOB overflow without drilling the tank? I am a major DIY guy and I may even do the pressure it sump/fuge so I could redo it if I needed to


I got the tank drained and cleaned out this morning. I got all the equipment into the sump and hooked up. Tomorrow will be startup day, anyway here is a pic of the sump.


Well its up and running i am getting the skimmer broke in and fine tuning everything. The fish store only had 7 pounds of live rock so i got that and 30 lbs of sand. They are suppose to have more tomorrow i think about 25-30 more lbs of rock will be plenty. I will post more pics when the other rock is in and the water is clearer. Here is an update pic.


I got the rest of my rock in yesterday finally and the skimmer broke in after 4 days of running. I ended up with 30 lbs of live rock the tank is clearing up since the skimmer decided to start skimming. Let me know what you think.