my new 20g tank


Can the way the glass has been drilled be trusted? I would think it would take away from the general integrity of the glass back.


Active Member
my old 20L was drilled same way...why would it bother anything

pretty much the same spot opposite side. Never had any problem at all and that was an old tank


Active Member
i dont see why long as the sides are not tempered..My first tank blew up cause it was old and sides where tempered and didnt it blew up trying to drill it out. i see lots of tanks drilled in same spot i have my tank drilled


Active Member
I am sure going slow on this tank compared to others in the past..Anyway I got my Blue+ bulbs today

so my combo right now is
Stock 10k
Stock Actinic

I like looks alot like the 14k Phoenix bulbs I had in the past..Maybe a slight bit more blue..but less then 20K
I am probably going to swap out the stock bulbs for a UV AquaSun 10k and a Giesemann Pure Actinic to get better par


I don't mean to steal this thread but I'm new here but been doing salt water for 10yrs,I'm not sure as to where to post my intro? As far as drilling goes I know a lot about, I drilled my 150g reef and my old 55g reef both with no problems, As for some good video goes and ordering the right overflows and drill bits here's a excellent web site with good customer service and good product,
They have never let me down!
NICE tanks above have you ever thought about going BIGGER LOL


Active Member
use to have a 75 reef..I spent to much money on it..So I wanna keep smaller
yes I am going to get about another 15lb of LR and make another mountain on the left side of the tank. I just have not got around to it yet..Like I said I have been going very slow on this tank compared to my past 3