My new 24 Gal JBJ nano tank!


well this is the first sw tank i have ever owned i have had a 55 gal african cichlid tank for a wile and thought i would try sw. so i got the tank and set it up and the next moring i went and got ONE damsel to help with the cycling well here are some pics.


Right Front:


Active Member
most people say 'dont cycle with live fish' so you'll probably get crap for that. I like the rockwork though.


Active Member
The aqua scaping is very nice. Nice tank selection too, that's what my next tank will be. Post more pictures as you add livestock.


Active Member
yea, its a common thing lfs's tell you to do, its 'wrong' (i did it, so it doesnt bother me.)


Love the rockscaping!
I agree with the side that's against using a live fish to cycle. It can be done with using a dead shrimp from the grocery store, or just with live rock and a little bit of patience. I went with uncured LR and waited it out.


Fish List:
2 perc clowns
1 watchman goby + pistol Shrimp
1 bicolor blenny
Clean Up:
10 turbo snails
cleaner shrimp
10 Nasssarius Snails
i havnt talked to anyone about this do you all this this is ok or maybe a little to much? if i did do this i would add the clean up crew first then the two percs at the same time then wait about two months or so and add the watchman and the pistol shrimp and another two months and the blenny? what do you all think of this?


Active Member
Personally, I would look at a different goby, I wish I had, my watchman really isn't the funnest of fish.


Active Member
I had a yellow watchman, and I hardly ever saw it. Once he and his pistol shrimp mad a home UNDER my rocks, I rarely saw them. Often I would wonder if they were still alive.
Blennies are awesome though. They have tons of personality.


well i really wanted the mandarian but i cant have it with such small tank so i was gonna get the watchman for the sand sifting and he is cool so i dotn know.


be carefull w/ that damsel they are a son of a gun to get out!!! I had to take appart my whole setup to get 3 of them out! that sucked.