My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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Hey,,,,where you been Bro??? I can tell you where you have NOT been..................................



Active Member
Hey thanks for asking nwdyr, I have been busy being a new father and trying to find a new car. Been stressed and having no time for really anything anymore :( ALSO I HAVE A QUESTION. One of my acan lords the bright green ones are looking stressed by water current. Does anyone know if i can place them directly onto the sandbed or no ? I would love if someone could answer my question. Thanks


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thanks for the comments everyone :) Well i have been busy lately with my baby and everything else ya know. That always comes first for everything. And i also got Fifa 09 for the ps3 and been playin this since i wake up first thing in morning.LOL. Until i go to sleep. Unfortunately my aquapod isnt doing so well. The blastos and acans are doing wonderful in there and growing very nicely but the chalices i have in there have all but died :( Even the pizza shaped red chalice i had :( Poor guy has vanished. I sware i think i have a bad hermit crab. Can you eat those things ? LOL. I dont want to just waste a dollar crab and flush him.


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he's baaaaack
WHAT UP , My brother from another mother? We miss ya Bro! sorry to hear about the tank. i have not checked my water in weeks
Guess I kinda lost interest also. Been really busy with my recent surgery and stuff. Go check out my thread and you will get caught up , also some gross pic's of my knee there
take care bro and good to see ya back around


Active Member
Yo WHAT UP PEOPLE. HAVE ANY OF you ever seen JELLYFISH IN YOUR TANK ? Well i just found some and wondering if any of you know what they are. Pics soon


Active Member
Thanks subielover and mboswell. I have no idea if they are beneficial bad or what. I have never noticed them before but i just spotted about 3 tonight when i turned off the powerheads. If anyone knows what they are i would love to know :) tHANKS :) and i have never went anywhere, just beeeeeen super busy