My New 240 gallon rack with 90 sump


It's finally finished my newly built 8 tank rack with 90 gallon sump but i need suggestions for what else i could put on my sump and how to drill a hole for my input to the sump



Looks like a store but i could be wrong, and I have to say, thats a pretty good idea for the home aquarist also. If you wanted to have a tank with things and other things that you couldnt keep in that tank, put them into the tank beside it, while still having the aquascape look flowing and have all the tanks connected to a single sump for better parameter control. A little complicated, but I think you catch my drift.


Active Member
only thing I would be worried about is if one tank got infected.. with omething like ICH.... wouldnt the rest be more likely to also get infected? assuming it went untreated for a bit. other than that I think its a great idea!