my new 265


I got a deal today on a 265 gallon that I couldn't pass up. All equipment, MH, sump, rediculous pumps and all other equipment he had. I may be getting myself into a little more than I can handle as far as the electric bill goes. Anyone out there with a comparable setup that knows what it will take to mantain and what kind of electricity it's goign to pull? Or what other issues I should consider with this large of a tank? It's goign on a concrete floor so weight is no issue.
I think I'm going to add up all the wattage/day and just figure it out that way. I'm psyched!


probably looking to add about 70 or so to ur electric and about 50 or so for "other" stuff. salt, make-up water things like that. Not to mention money to fill it with coral and livestock.


Active Member
Do what I do????? :thinking: Don't worry about the bill, just pay it and enjoy the new tank.....Congrats!!!!!!


man, sorry for the delay. My internet has been crapping the bed lately. The deal was...
265 gallon glass drilled tank
three MH 400wt. lights with electronic balasts
4 two bulb uv lights
moon lights
all three on digital timers
two huge powerheads
55 gallon sump
pump that is strong enough to set the sump up in the basement and recycle the water in the tank 4 times/hour. That sounds right.
another water pump to keep my sump level.
two floats
the biggest protein skimmer I've ever seen
aprox. 200lbs of rock. (I'll weigh it all when I pick it up)
100lbs of substrate
and a Sabae Anemonefish
I picked it up for $1000
I'm going to try to get it home this week. I'll get some pictures. I'm going for a swim before I set it up though.


I did a little math and if I did it correctly the three MH lights are going to cost me about a dollar a day to run for eight hours. Personally, that makes me sick but I'm hoping I'm wrong. HAHA


Active Member
if you are worried about the electric bill, you are in the wrong hobby. I wish the electric was the least of my expenses. :cheer:
I would guess that my bill has went up $75 a month for my 180 with all the pumps fans , uvs , fuge lights and 785 watt MH/PC fixture. Just a guess though, it has been unusually hot here the past month or so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emm0909
I did a little math and if I did it correctly the three MH lights are going to cost me about a dollar a day to run for eight hours. Personally, that makes me sick but I'm hoping I'm wrong. HAHA
Most places that amount of lighting would run about $5-8 a DAY. HA! Thats why i do not have MH!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by emm0909
I did a little math and if I did it correctly the three MH lights are going to cost me about a dollar a day to run for eight hours. Personally, that makes me sick but I'm hoping I'm wrong. HAHA
Sometimes its better to be wrong, but this time, the $1 per day may be on the low side. Depending on what ur Elec Co. charges per KWh, it'll probably be about $1.25-2.00 per day to run all the equip (pumps, chiller, skimmer, fans, etc...). If the equipment is older(less efficient) the # will only go up

if you want a more fun # to calc... add up the cost of RO water and salt to do the weekly water changes. That # scared me the first time i calculated for 10% changes per week. (lil more than $1 per day)


Originally Posted by emm0909
I did a little math and if I did it correctly the three MH lights are going to cost me about a dollar a day to run for eight hours. Personally, that makes me sick but I'm hoping I'm wrong. HAHA

Oh yea, my LFS has a 180 gal w/ the full setup (2x400 MH, Chiller, etc) and he said that tank is bout $40/mo for elec