my new 28 gaollon nano hqi


New Member
any advice. i just started 2 days ago my 28 gallon nano hqi. i got 27 lbs of live rock 20 lbs of bahamas live sand. and ro water my salenity is at 2.020 any ideas on what i should do next beside lettin it cycle for a month thanks



Active Member
Originally Posted by jekl1234
any advice. i just started 2 days ago my 28 gallon nano hqi. i got 27 lbs of live rock 20 lbs of bahamas live sand. and ro water my salenity is at 2.020 any ideas on what i should do next beside lettin it cycle for a month thanks

Start by getting the Sg down to 1.024-1.025. Do this by removing some water from the tank and adding fresh RODI water until the Sg gets there.While you have the Sg so high it would be a good time to look for any unwanted hitch hikers. They should be out of the rock with Sg that high I would think.


Active Member
try to monitor the temp since its mh. too much temp fluctuation isnt good. consider getting a chiller or lifting up the canopy of temp gets too high.


Originally Posted by nycbob
try to monitor the temp since its mh. too much temp fluctuation isnt good. consider getting a chiller or lifting up the canopy of temp gets too high.
isnt that a chiller in the pic lol
my first tank is the same one, YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!
Is that a battery backup or a chiller? If battery, I would suggest getting a chiller as these units do get too hot. I was losing fish due to temp fluctuations until I figured that out the hard way.
Have fun with it.