My new 30gal cube


I just upgraded to a 30gal cube and was wondering if I could get some suggestions on fish. The demensions are 20x18x18, so I guess it isn't a true cube, but pretty close. I only have a false perc in their right now and around 17 pounds of LR. My old tank had a pretty diverse sand bed, but I added more sand when I upgraded, so I think the tank will need a bit to mature the new sand. I have zoo's, mushrooms, and a candy cane coral. I have three hermits and a number of mixed snails. I am planning on adding more coral and LR, so the fish need to be reef safe. Thanks for you help.
Ps. I just moved the tank over so it is still a bit foggy, but here is a pic.


Thanks for all the suggestoins. They give me a good place to start. I have been considering a few of those already, so it was good to get some comfermation. I didn't think of the six line wrasse, but that fish looks pretty cool.


Here's some suggestions.
Yellow Watchman Goby
Percula Clown
Royal Gramma
Those are just a few, and as you know they're many more small and pretty fish that'd be perfect canidates for your tank.


I'm partial to the firefish, I think they're cool, especially in groups. My LFS has purple firefish, which I like too.


I really like the purple firefish as well. Does anyone know if they pair up or school? I know that the standard firefish does, but I don't know about the purple ones.