My new 46 bowfront


This is my new 46 that I have set up for over a week now. I bought it from another forum member in NC. I lost the Colt and the 4 xenia fragments. Everything else looks great, check out the pictures.
I would like an ID for the last picture. I dont know what it is :confused:



Originally Posted by shawnd61
I would like an ID for the last picture. I dont know what it is :confused:

looks like GSP (green star polyps)


You have a mandarin fish in there. Those usually dont do well in new tanks. I would take him out before he starves.


Active Member
tank is looking nice, but i have to agree with kaotik... ur mandarin needs well established tank conditions (copepods) to live. trade him in for something else.


Active Member
Last pic of first set looks like some sort of gorgonian polyp, either growing that way, or encrusting over something with a coral like shape (encrusting gorgonian like Erythropodium, or similar to green star polyps)


The last pic is of a "corky sea finger" it is a type of encrusting gorgonian that sends up vertical projections. I think elsewhere it has been called a "dead man's finger". Can't remember the genus name off the top of my head, i think it is Briareum.


he has enough LR to keep a mandarin
Mandarins dont eat live rock, they eat copepods which there are only going to be enough of for a mandarin to survive in a well established tank.


Active Member
I'd go for that ID :) :yes: And star polyps, if I recall, have recently been moved to the genus Briareum from Pachyclavularia. The similarity is quite clear.


He has plenty of LR. And that is the major factor with copods. That is where they live. And that is a very established tank if everything was sent to him in the correct manor. You guys didn't even ask if he was supplementing pods.


why has this turned into a big battle over whether i can have a dragonette or not?? check out my tank and tell me what you think. that's it. no need to fight over nothing. trust me, i have it all under control. i am always on here consulting w/ others on what is best.
i'm fully aware of the requirements of my tank's inhabitents.
no one should be like this:
we should all be like this: